Canada Proposes Plain Tobacco Packaging

On Monday, Justin Trudeau the leader of the Liberal Party in Canada as well as the son of former Prime Minister Margaret Trudeau proposed the introduction of Plain Tobacco Packaging.

The move which has the support of the Canadian Cancer Society would remove company logos, colors and brand design on packaging. The health warnings would remain, and if they follow suit to what as implemented in Australia in 2012 it could take up a substantial amount of the package.

Earlier this year plain packaging was approved by Ireland and the United Kingdom where they will be in place May, 2016.

The measure is also under consideration in Finland, France Hungary, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa and Sweden.

Australia Plain Packaging

An example of Plain Packaging in Australia that I worked on when I worked for Miami Cigar & Company. This is what every cigar box looks like regardless of flavored or non-flavored cigar. The only thing that changes is the image on the box which needs to rotate between a series of images. 

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