Over the last couple of years it feels like the Winston Churchill Limited Edition from Davidoff has become one of those cigars you seek out. From it’s luxurious packaging to its refined blend I’ve come across more people anxiously awaiting the release. Like many Limited Edition cigars they size changes up from year to year and the 2022 release is no different. This year the cigar measures 5 7/8 x 61 and I can’t help think of Baby Finster when looking at the cigar.
According to Davidoff, “The limited edition perfecto cigar is a complex multi-origin blend with tobaccos from Ecuador, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua reflecting the regions of tobacco used in the Winston Churchill Series. It delivers intensity, complexity and a diversity of flavours, combining notes of leather and cedar wood from The Late Hour Series with those of walnut as well as floral flavours from The Original Series.”
Cigar Review: Winston Churchill LE 2022
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: San Andres
Filler: Nicaragua (Esteli, Condega), Dominican Republic (Piloto Mejorado, San Vicente Mejorado)
Length: 5 7/8″
Ring Gauge: 61
Size: Perfecto
The Look: The Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022 comes in an elegant box inspired by Sir Winston’s original briefcase. It contains not only the ten perfecto cigars, but also a letter to the aficionado written by Randolph Churchill, Sir Winston’s great grandson. Inside the perfecto cigars in one row of 10 cigars with the primary band show showcasing the Winston Churchill silhouette and a secondary band denoting limited edition 2022. The chestnut colored Ecuadorian wrapper has some visible veins and tooth to it along with some visible oils. In the hand the cigar is firm to the touch and the wrapper feels slightly coarse.
The Notes: As expected the cold draw is a tad tough due to the small nipple at the lit end of the perfecto, which should open up when lit. I’ve seen people cut it so open it up quicker, but I would advise against this as it will effect the taste of the cigar potentially. The aroma off the wrapper is sweet with a touch of cocoa. Once the cigar is toasted and lit it quickly opens up as we progress past the tip, but on the first couple of puffs the cigar offers a slightly floral component.
As we smoke the first third of the Winston Churchill LE 2022 I am impressed with he complexity even though I am only about a half inch in. The palate is treated to a myriad of tasting notes including red pepper, cedar and a touch of leather. As we progress through the first third the cedar notes become dominant with a subtle cocoa developing near the end of the first third. The retrohale serves up additional notes of leather and cedar with a short finish through the nose, while fairly long on the palate.
Moving into the second third the cigar begins to develop a nuttiness with continued cedar that fades away around the halfway point of the cigar. At that point some cocoa sweetness emerges with continues red pepper and a touch of leather. The retrohale adds a slight floral component. The finish of the cigar is long and spicy, reminiscent of a Lindy Chili chocolate bar.
The final third of the Davidoff made Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022 sees notes of black coffee develop and take hold as the focal point of the cigar. It’s joined by some pepper notes and a touch of wasabi where along with a long finish of leather. The retrohale sees the wasabi component intensify and linger alongside the leather component.
The Finish: In a word, outstanding. Year after year, the limited edition Winston Churchill delivers. Its a classic smoke that has a fair amount of complexity to it that was worth the price of admission. It’s a cigar that would pair incredibly well with some Oban on a crisp spring or fall evening or even in front of a fireplace on cold snowy night.
Score: 94
Price: $34.00 / $399.99