For the first time in history, Davidoff master blenders have collaborated with six of the world’s top chefs to create Davidoff’s latest cigar creation, the Davidoff Chefs Edition. The Davidoff Chefs Edition offers fine dining and an exceptional cigar for connoisseurs to enjoy after a culinary tour de force. This unique partnership with some of the world’s greatest chefs has inspired Davidoff master blenders to blend a truly memorable cigar.
While the press release stated these cigars would be available in April, they just began shipping.
Cigar Review: Davidoff Chefs Edition
Country of Origin: Davidofo
Factory: Tabadom
Wrapper: Habano 2000
Binder: Ecuador Connecticut
Filler: Dominican Republic (San Vicente Mejorado Seco, San Vicente Mejorado Visus, Piloto Visus, and San Vicente Visus)
Length: 6″
Ring Gauge: 54
Vitola: Toro
Strength: Medium
The Look: Packaged in 10 count boxes that are lacquered, the Davidoff Chefs Edition looks worthy of its price tag. Featuring a dark looking Habano 2000 that is reminiscent of the Colorado Claro, the cigar is a perfect looking specimen. The dual bands feature the classic looking white and gold Davidoff band with a secondary one that denotes “The Chefs Edition” complete with a chefs hat. In the hand the cigar is firm with no voids and a well packed foot.
The Notes: The cold draw of the Davidoff has some of those classic Henke Kelner notes of barnyard but they are more of an afterthought as graham crackers dominate the senses. On the nose the aroma is earthy with a strong cedar and a faint wisp of the aforementioned graham cracker.
Once the cigar is lit there is an abundance of cedar that controls the palate for the first inch. As the cedar begins to subside some notes of almond extract are introduced and they are incredibly well-defined. The notes of cedar begin to transition to more to maple as the first third comes to a close. Through the nose on the retrohale some chili pepper spices add to the complexity on this incredibly balanced cigar.
In the second third notes of chili peppers become dominant on the profile with a hint of almond extract on the finish creating an almost fusion like experience. The notes on the retrohale have toned down from spice and have become quite woodsy. There are a lot of underlying characteristics that are too subtle to define.
The last third of the cigar continues with notes of chili pepper and almonds as the wood returns to a more traditional cedar note. There is a faint earth on the moderate finish and the retrohale is nutty with a hint of almonds that is moderate in length albeit very subtle.
The Burn: The Davidoff Chefs Edition features a razor-sharp burn with an ultra-thin combustion line. The was classic Davidoff with only a subtle resistances on this incredibly slow smoking cigar which works because like a fine meal it is meant to be enjoyed and not rushed. The nearly white color ash holds solid for a third at a time and the cigar never needed to be touched up.
The Finish: This is a very different Davidoff and I think that is a good thing. The Chefs Edition is a more robust cigar for the company and the darker wrapper really performs well. There are a lot of distinct notes and enough underlying components to keep you coming back for seconds. While smoking the cigar I couldn’t help but think of how when you cook in the kitchen using the same ingredients as a restaurant, it just never seems the same and it feels like this cigar was of the same mold.
Score: 92
Price: $29.99 / $284.99