United Cigar came out with an interesting idea for cigar companies in heavily taxed states that are at a disadvantage due to the burned placed on them. The company unveiled the Dos Hombres Cabinet at the 2017 IPCPR in both a Dominican and Honduran version. The idea that sets this apart from anything else in the cigar industry is the tax relief given back to the retailer.
According to. press release earlier this month Dos Hombres Cabinet Dominican and Honduran are available in six vitolas each and the cigars offered in compensation of the state tobacco tax will be distributed with every order of ten box increments. For example, retailers in states that have a 60% tobacco tax will receive 120 cigars with every 10 boxes that are ordered.
With the tax relief program it ensures everyone is able to sell the cigar at the same price and as a result each box is pre-marked with the price.
United Cigar is the distributor of Selected Tobacco’s Atabey, Byron and Bandolero along with United lines Garofalo, Fleur de La Reine, La Gianna, Firecracker-Cigars and their self titled United Cigar.