The Regius Reserva is a small batch production of cigars with the 2021 version now released to consumers and is sold out on the manufacturer level. The cigar is made at the Plasencia factory in Nicaragua, and consists of all Nicaraguan tobaccos. According to brand owner, Akhill Kapacee who hails from across the pond, “These medium to medium plus bodied cigars were blended to be reminscent of Cuban Bolivar cigars from a time when they were highly sought after.”
Cigar Review: Regius Reserva
Wrapper: Nicaragua Habano
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Length: 5.5″
Ring Guage: 55
Size: Robusto Gordo
The Look: Packaged in 20 count black lacquered boxes with a push button latch, the presentation stands out. Inside sits 20 Regius Reserva cigars with a dual band denoting Regius in colors of black and silver. The secondary band features a stylish RR, the initials of the line. The Nicaraguan Habano wrapper is smooth and silky with an abundance of oils while the cigar is well packed with an average weight to it.
The Notes: The cold draw of the Regius Reserva has notes of marshmallow fluff with a touch of mango, while the aroma off the foot is pretty much non-existent. Once the cigar is cut, toasted and lit the initial taste is complex with nuances of figs, raisins and birch. It’s one of the most complex cigars at first light I’ve experienced in quite some tme.
As we move into the first third, notes of plums become dominant with continued nuances of figs and birch and as the first third comes to a close some notes of cinnamon and dark chocolate begin to develop with a slight mango on the finish . The retrohale serves up some coffee adding the wonderful complexity of the cigar.
The second third sees cinnamon and cappuccino become the dominant flavor profile while hints of figs and birch linger in the background. The cigar at times shows earthy components especially if smoked too fast, however, when smoked slowly there is a lot going on. The retrohale has some cinnamon, and the finish holds on to some dark chocolate.
The final third sees the notes of earth completely emerge and become dominant by the time we pull off the primary band, but the Regius Reserva remains incredibly complex with notes of espresso, birch and walnuts. The last third also sees the occasional cinnamon through the retrohale which also serves up some subtle pepper as well.
The Finish: If I had to pick something to gripe about, it’s the name. When I saw the box stating Robusto Gordo I was turned off thinking it was a 60 ring. I think Regius would have been better suited using Robusto Extra. As far as the cigar, I can definitely see the Bolivar influence when it was a stronger cigar 2+ decades ago. I think Akhil did a great job capturing the essence of what that cigar once was. The Reserva carries a high price tag, but it is worth the indulgence.
Score: 93
Price: $24.99 / $449.99