This week we welcome a new advertiser on The Cigar Authoirty, Serino Cigars. According to their Facebook page, Serino Cigars is a boutique small batch cigar manufacturer that prioritizes quality over quantity. We look to share with our family some of the finest blends from Nicaragua. All of our cigars are made at the La Corona Factory S.A. in Esteli, Nicaragua and are blended by world renowned Cuban Master Blender Omar González-Alemán.
Derek reviewed the Serino Royale XX Maduro a few weeks back and gave it a 91. Today, we light up the Connecticut version to see how it appears.
Cigar Review: Serino Royale Connecticut
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: La Corona S.A.
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua (Jalapa, Esteli)
Length: 6″
Ring Gauge: 52
Vitola: Toro
The Look: Packaged in white dress boxes the cigars are lined up inside in two rows of 10. A darker looking Ecuador wrapper adorns the Serino Royale Connecticut which features two bands. The Toro is oily with virtually no veins present and the cigar is well rolled with a well packed foot.
The Notes: The pre-light aroma off the foot of the cigar is heavy on oak. Once the cigar is cut, the pre-light draw offers up hints of Earth, Oats and Oak.
After the cigar is lit, the early notes are earthy before mellowing out slightly with a savory buttery note. As the first third progresses, hints on hazelnut and oak develop. The retrohale of the cigar is smooth as the oak appears on the aroma and the finish.
Moving on to the second third, the cigar remains buttery smooth with continued notes of nuts and oak. Around the half-way point of the cigar the nuts become the focal point, although the retrohale continues to showcase the oak notes.
In the last third of this incredibly smooth smoke some hints of espresso join the mix with continued hazelnuts. The oak remains but it is toned back a bit. The retrohale sees the introduction of some subtle spices, but the finish of the cigar is all about the coffee.
The Finish: After the enjoyable experience of the Maduro version, I couldn’t wait to light this up. The verdict is in, and this is an outstanding cigar. It’s not your typical Connecticut as there is some subtle strength to it. What really stands out is the outstanding notes of oak and hazelnuts that did not disappoint.
Score: 91
Price: $12.69 / $224.99