Sometimes, cigar companies get sold. This often causes customers to get upset. We talk about the various reasons that owners may decide to sell their company. The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at
Cigar Company
Today, we have Rick Rodriguez from West Tampa Tobacco Company joining us on The After Show. We are talking about cigar companies that have been sold and what the original owners might think of them today. The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you […]
This week on The Cigar Authority broadcasting live from the Toscano Sound Stage in Salem, New Hampshire… We had a hostile guest 12 weeks ago and I got a call from a brand owner who said, “Let me Do It?” “I will tell all” And I agreed. Steve Saka from Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust is here to give the numbers – What does it Really Cost to Start a Cigar Brand? This week we will smoke two […]