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Law | Western Michigan University Smoking Ban

Starting on Monday, September 1, 2014 Western Michigan University joins the list of higher learning establishments with smoking laws. WMU joins 5 other public universities in the state of Michigan to go smoke free. The others joining the movement are University of Michigan, Michigan Technological University, Oakland University and Central Michigan University. The new ban means smoking will not be allowed anywhere on campus, with the lone exception of being able to light up inside […]

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Law: Illinois Bans Smoking at State Colleges

On Sunday morning, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed legislation that prohibits smoking on the campuses of all state colleges and universities. The smoking ban takes effect on July 1, 2015 and applies to both indoor and outdoor spaces. According to Gov. Quinn “Illinois’ college students shouldn’t be subject to unwanted cigarette smoke on the campuses they call home.. We want all schools to be healthy, clean and productive places of learning for Illinois’ bright young […]

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LAW: SUNY Oswego to Go Smoke Free January 1st, 2015

Each week on The Cigar Authority Radio show we have been reporting that various colleges are going smoke free around the country. You can now add SUNY Oswego to the list. Starting on January 1, 2015 the entire campus will become smoke free. This includes the residence halls in which the students live. The ban also encompasses E-Cigarettes and Vaping. SUNY is the State University of New York, a collection of colleges throughout the region. […]

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