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Appropriations Committee Passes Predicate Date Language

The following statement was sent by IPCPR this afternoon, Today, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee considered the FY 2016 Agriculture Appropriations Bill which passed 29-21. The legislation will now be schedule for consideration on the House Floor. Included in this bill was a provision to make a technical change to the Tobacco Control Act, affecting the regulation of premium cigars, pipe tobacco, and other tobacco products. When the Tobacco Control Act was passed into law, […]

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Agriculture Appropriation Bill Could Help vs FDA

According to a report at CQ Roll Call, the House Appropriations Committee’s fiscal 2016 Agriculture spending bill includes a provision that would limit the FDA’s ability to regulate products. The provision is in Section 747, and would change the date introduced in a 2009 law that said commercial tobacco products introduced after February 15th, 2007 would be subject to pre-market review. The provision would change that date by defining new tobacco products as those that enter […]

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FDA Issues Guidelines Limiting Marketing of New Tobacco

The FDA strikes again, and this time it has to do with the marketing of tobacco products. According to a report published on the FDA website, advertising or marketing a tobacco product that was released after February 15, 2007 could become a thing of the past. A substantially equivalent tobacco product has been found by FDA to either have the same characteristics as a predicate tobacco product; or has different characteristics than the predicate tobacco product […]

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FDA Announces Interim Enforcement Policy

The following is a message from IPCPR that was shared with The Cigar Authority from our sources.  FDA Announces Interim Enforcement Policy Related to Substantial Equivalence FAQ Guidance While FDA considers new comments to the recently issued Demonstrating the Substantial Equivalence of a New Tobacco Product: Responses to Frequently Asked Questions guidance, the agency is announcing its interim enforcement policy. This interim policy is effective immediately and will continue until 30 days after FDA issues […]

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Law | FDA Issues No Tobacco Sales Guidelines

An interesting article posted over at the Convenience Store News website  shows the FDA this week issued a guidance document titled, “Determination of the Period Covered by a No Tobacco Sales Order and Compliance with an Order.” The article which states under the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, the FDA was authorized to conduct retail compliance inspections and impose fines for violations  that would culminate in a “no-tobacco-sales” order for repeat violations. The order would […]

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News | New Bill Would Change FDA Date

Since the TAA Convention last month we have heard rumblings that the FDA was close to  making a ruling on the deeming regulations that the cigar industry faces. Currently, the FDA has a date of February 15, 2007 for these regulations which would put many companies out of business. In short, cigars that came to the market before then would be given a free pass, while those after the date would have to apply to have […]

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News | The Countdown Has Begun

THE COUNDOWN HAS BEGUN… 28 days… 27 days… 26 days… 25 days  Our Days Numbered for the Cigar Industry as we know it?   The Cigar Authority has learned that the FDA has finalized their review of comments on Cigars and has made revisions to the proposed rule. The Deeming Regulations of Cigars has now been sent to the Department of Health and Human Services for further review before it is sent to White House […]

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Media | Jose Blanco Joins Us Live In Studio

Dave is back from a week in the Dominican Republic and the TAA convention which features the top retailers in the country and a slew of limited edition smokes released just for the members. We will find out what’s new, what’s hot and what rumors were hot topics… We will also sit down with Jose Blanco and talk about Senorial with him and what he has planned for 2015. We’ll get his take on Cuba, […]

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News | 4 Members of FDA Panel Leave After Court Ruling

According to a report from the Associated Press, four members of the FDA’s tobacco advisory panel, including the chair have left following a federal court ruling that they had conflicts of interest. Members of the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee went through a screening process after the court ruling. Some resigned, where others were removed from the panel responsible for advising the agency on tobacco-related issues. Those no longer on the tobacco panel include: Dr. […]

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News | FDA Director to Speak at NATO Show

While not as popular to the premium cigar market the North American Tobacco Outlet (NATO) show will be happening in Las Vegas at the Paris Hotel on April 22-23, 2015.  During the show, Mitch Zeller the Director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products will be taking part in a panel discussion as well as speaking to attendees. FDA Director Mitch Zelller will speak during the final general session alongside Jim Dillard, the Senior Vice-President of […]

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