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Law | Lafayette, LA Defeats Smoking Ban Proposal

Score a victory for smokers, as the Lafayette City-Parish Council voted 5-4 against a proposal that would have banned smoking in bars and unincorporated areas of the parish.   Opponents of the ban sided in favor of business, saying that the decision should be left up to bar owners, not government. The measure failed to get votes needed despite a push from local musicians.        

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Law | Lafayette, LA Smoking Ban Vote Coming

A new ordinance that would ban smoking at bars and clubs is set to go to vote at the city-parish council on May 5th. According to reports Council Chairman Kenneth Boudreux has been working with Grammy Award Winning artist Chubby Carrier along with Tobacco-Free Living to draft an ordinance for the City of Lafayette. If approved the measure would ban the use of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes in bars and pubs. According to the […]

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