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VODCast: The Cigar Industry Prediction Show

This week on The Cigar Authority broadcasting live from the Toscano Sound Stage in Salem, New Hampshire… It is one of our most listened to shows each and every year since we began doing it. It’s also our most controversial show to some. Everyone waits for it our listeners, manufacturers and other bloggers… It’s the long awaited PREDICITIONS SHOW… We look into the Crystal Ball & Guess on Mergers, Acquisitions & Trends in the Cigar […]

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VODCast: Cigar Industry Prediction Show

Every year it is the most talked about and anticipated episode, the Cigar Industry Predictions show so grab your tinfoil hat and join in on the conspiracy happening within the cigar industry. Sure, some of it educated guesses along with some uneducated guesses but we find it fun and according to listener feedback you do too. It also happens to be Dos Hombres Day at  Two Guys Smoke Shop as they celebrate 30 years of […]

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VODCast: Cigar Industry Prediction Show

It’s one of the most popular shows every year and we expect this year to be no different. It’s the Cigar Industry Prediction show. We see so many reps, sales managers and brand owners over the course of the year and we hear more then our fair share of rumors. Some of them can quickly be written off, but some of them might just hold some truth to them. This year we make our prediction […]

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