In the spirit of Avo Uvezian’s undying passion for exploration, chance encounters, and unexpected connections, two unique blends have been crafted by Davidoff for the North and South regional edition. In a change of pace we put the two cigars up against each other in comparison. North Edition Length: 6 5/8” Diameter: 50 RG Format: Perfecto Wrapper: Dominican Republic Binder: Hybrid Olor/Piloto Seco Filler: San Vicente Visus, San Vicente Mejorado Ligero, Piloto Ligero and Hybrid […]
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Drew Estate unveiled today the creation of the ACID Accents collection, an ongoing series of regional exclusives to be available to Drew Diplomat retailers in specific regions, celebrating the 20th Anniversary of ACID cigars. The first two ACID Accents, “Jay Street Posse” and “B-More 410”, will be displayed in Drew Estate’s Booth at the IPCPR Convention and Tradeshow, held June 29-July 2, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Exclusive to the New York City area, they […]