In 2010 when Ernesto Perez-Carrillo opened EPC Cigar Company one of his first ever releases was Short Run. The concept was simple, release a yearly blend featuring tobaccos that aren’t in abundance to support a regular release. The Short Run line was popular until is disappeared in 2016. Each release of the Short Run was different based on tobacco’s available for this limited release. Back in the day, the cigar was highly sought after and […]
Short Run
Yesterday I had a chance to sit down with David Spirt and Taylor Hall from E.P. Carrillo who stopped by Two Guys Smoke Shop while in New Hampshire. During the course of the visit, I was gifted a pre-release of the Short Run 2016 which is scheduled to ship to retailers in early May. There are a few things new about this year’s release and the most noticeable is the band which is the first […]
Last week I had the pleasure of sitting down with Ernesto Perez Carrillo who after the rumors we reported you might think he had an axe to grind. However when we asked about those rumours he shrugged it off saying the rumors have been persistent since him and Michael Gianini worked on a project in 2014. I asked him, if he wanted to dismiss the rumour officially on the record and he just smiled as he […]