While the cigar industry scored a majored victory on a Federal level in the delay of the substantial equivalence, perhaps a bigger win was the removal of a price in the definition of a premium cigar. However, the state of California which is looking to ban flavored cigars released an amendment to bill SB 793.
In the bill is language that defines a premium cigar in part by, ““Premium cigar” means any cigar that is handmade, is not mass produced by use of mechanization, has a wrapper that is made entirely from whole tobacco leaf, and has a wholesale price of no less than twelve dollars ($12). A premium cigar does not have a filter, tip, or non-tobacco mouthpiece and is capped by hand.”
According to a retailer in California who reached out to us late last night, a vote is scheduled for August 20th, 2020. If passed the bill could put a significant portion of premium cigars in jeopardy in the state.
Update: This bill passed the assembly on a 50-0 vote. If the bill continues as is, no cigar with less the a $12 wholesale price will be allowed to be sold in the state of California.
SB 793 can be viewed on the California Legislative website: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB793