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Smoking Ortsac Cigars with the Smoking Hot Pit Girls

Today we’re lighting up the 2012 Cigar Of The Year, Ortsac as we say goodbye to the year that was. Fred Smith from Smithfest Events joins us to talk about his upcoming “Blizzard Blast,” and PitGirl Lexi of makes an appearance for the official launch of the Two Guys Smokin’ Calendar.

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Fuente Fuente Anejo Goes Between the Lines

This week we’re smoking Arturo Fuente rarities; rare cigars that only come out once a year, in very small amounts. We start off with the Arturo Fuente “Between the Line.” Hemmingway or NOT Hemmingway? That is the question. In the second hour we light up the Arturo Feunte Anejo #55. Two phenomenal cigars, but why not make them all the time? We’ll tell you why, and look ahead to what’s on the horizon for 2013.

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Turkey Bowling With JESUS!

We’re bowling with Turkey’s, hanging with the “miracle man” Jesus Fuego, and saying good bye to Twinkies. We light up Jesus Fuego’s Edition de Familiar, and Originals; Origen Originals, Origen Maduro and Sangre de Toro (Blood of the Bull).

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Recluse, Debonaire Cigars, and Cigar of the Year Brain Storming

We look back at the best cigars of 2012 in preparation for this year’s acclaimed Cigar of the Year! We’re smoking two brand new cigars: the Iconic Recluse Kanu #2, and the Debonaire Ultra Premium. A Big SHOUT OUT to our newest station – 1380 The Sports Animal! Plus you get to nominate cigars for Cigar of the Year…Click through and listen to find out how!

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