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FDA Extends Deadline to File Ingredients

Some welcome news out of Washington. Today, FDA extended the deadline to file ingredients from 2/8/16 to 8/8/17. The Guidance,, states in relevant part: The preamble to the deeming rule (81 FR 28974) stated that FDA does not intend to enforce the requirement to submit ingredient listing for manufacturers and importers of newly deemed tobacco products that were introduced into interstate commerce on or before August 8, 2016 provided submissions are received by February […]

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FDA Answers Questions Regarding Substantial Equivlence

According to a press release from the FDA, any brand that had a quantity count change after 2007, constitutes a new product. Something that the cigar industry is sure to challenge. The FDA issues a new press release today that included a link to a FAQ answering some questions in regards to Substantial Equivlence. The press release states, “Today, the FDA is issuing the third edition of the guidance for industry titled Demonstrating the Substantial […]

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FDA Issues Warning Letter To Parent Company of Drew Estate

According to a press release from the FDA, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warning letters to four tobacco manufacturers—Swisher International Inc., Cheyenne International LLC, Prime Time International Co., and Southern Cross Tobacco Company Inc.—for selling flavored cigarettes that are labeled as little cigars or cigars, which is a violation of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (TCA). The companies received warning letters for products under the “Swisher Sweets,” “Cheyenne,” “Prime Time,” and […]

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FDA Extends Deadline For Product Listing Until June 30, 2017

Today, the FDA issued the revised guidance, “Registration and Product Listing for Owners and Operators of Domestic Tobacco Product Establishments.” In the initial revised guidance issued in July of this year, U.S. manufacturers of newly regulated products faced a deadline of December 31, 2016 for compliance with the registration and product listing requirements of section 905 of the Tobacco Control Act. The guidance has been revised again to clarify that for U.S. manufacturers of newly […]

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IPCPR Issues 2016 Year In Review

IPCPR issued the following Year in Review for 2016: In 2016 the premium tobacco industry faced many legislative and regulatory challenges. The International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers Association (IPCPR) was at the forefront of each these battles on the federal and state levels, representing the interests of your business. Some of our notable achievements include: FDA Lawsuit – IPCPR partnered with the Cigar Association of America, and the Cigar Rights of America to file […]

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Appropriations Bill Sees FDA Exemption Stripped in Proposal by Congress

There was hope that the cigar industry would receive a Hail Mary when earlier this year, the House Appropriations Committee  approved a bill that provided an exemption for premium cigars from the over-reach of the FDA. However, in a bill proposal last night that will fund the U.S. Government until the spring of 2017 the language that would have provided safe passage for premium cigars was stripped from the bill. The bill will fund the […]

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IPCPR Announces New Staff Additions

Washington, DC – December 6, 2016- The International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers (IPCPR) is pleased to announce that Daniel Trope will join the staff of IPCPR as Director, Federal Government Affairs effective December 12, 2016. Also, joining the IPCPR team is Christine Morgan, Associate Member &; Operations Manager who started on December 1, 2016. Daniel Trope will lead IPCPR’s Federal advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill and with the Executive Branch. IPCPR’s CEO, Mark Pursell, […]

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FDA Withdraws Final Rule Regarding Procedures for Refusing to Accept Premarket Tobacco Products Submissions

According to the Cigar Rights of America, the FDA has withdrawn its Final Rule regarding the procedures for refusing to accept premarket tobacco products submissions. In a letter to its stakeholders the CRA states: In our continuing effort to keep you informed of actions and communications from or about  the U.S. Food & Drug Administration – Center for Tobacco Products, please see the announcement below. Today, the FDA posted in their advanced Federal Register notice […]

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Obama Lifts Restrictions On Cuban Cigars

As a person going on his honeymoon in just a couple of weeks, this news couldn’t come at a better time. The laundry list of personal friends who want me to bring them back a Cuban cigar is longer than a shopping list for The Cigar Authority food budget. While I still might not bring them a cigar, it just got a lot easier for me and you to buy Cuban cigars and rum. Up […]

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FDA Releases Cost of 2017 User Fees

The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has released their calculations for user fees of tobacco products for 2017. User fees are part of the new regulations issued by the FDA. The money obtained via user fees is used to fund the FDA’s operation. The amount paid will vary by year and are based on a percentage of SCHIP (40.26 cents) taxes paid by cigar companies. It is expected that the Cigar industry will fund […]

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