To present its loyal aficionados with interesting and detailed insights into its unique cigar creation process, Davidoff Cigars launches its “The Difference” campaign. The communication revolves around the highly acclaimed Davidoff White Band Collection lines Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversario and Millennium and offers fascinating glimpses behind the scenes of Davidoff’s extraordinary efforts. For a strong start, the brand releases a limited edition of its formerly permanent and highly popular Davidoff Classic No. 1 cigar, now […]
Press Release
United Cigars continues its expansion with the addition of Dan Davison as their Director of Marketing. Dan comes to United Cigars with 10 years of experience in all aspects of the cigar industry from both sides of the counter. “I’m honored & excited to join United Cigars, our brands have a rich history with more stories to tell,” said Dan Davidson. “I look forward to collaborating with our distribution partners, and the great team at […]
December 31, 2022, marks the 30th time “The Cigar of the Year” has been awarded. “The Cigar of the Year” award was given out on the esteemed cigar podcast called The Cigar Authority. This team takes their assignment very seriously and takes everything into consideration when giving out the award. Availability, consistency, quality and of course flavor and value are just some of the criteria that separates a good cigar from a great one, and […]
Aganorsa Leaf has announced the newest vitola of Supreme Leaf — one of their most talked about and sought after cigars ever produced. Using the same blend of entirely Aganorsa Leaf tobaccos grown on their farms in Nicaragua they are packed in the same vibrant colors as the original production. Supreme Leaf’s sixth release will debut this coming February in a 6 x 52 Toro, and—for the first time ever—will be a traditional round Parejo […]
On November 17th the US will enjoy the latest addition to the Selected Tobacco portfolio at the Byron Cigar Lounge in Schaumberg, IL. Additionally the cigar will be released on or around November 28th at other United Cigar retailers. The Byron 1850 line was created in anticipation of celebrating nearly 175 years of the Byron family line and shares a distinguished portfolio with a current line of luxury brands: Alfonso, Atabey, Byron and Bandolero. Selected Tobacco started […]
Limited to 500 units, the 19th Century Byron Epique Poemas 30 Count Humidor is scheduled to begin shipping first week of November. Debuting at the 2022 PCA show in Las Vegas, the 19th Century Byron Epique Poemas Humidor ships with 30 cigars inside and a carton of 50 cigars to refill. Aged for Four Years Post-Roll, the Epique Poemas cigars are part of the 19th Century blend by Nelson Alfonso of Selected Tobacco and feature […]
United Cigars Limited-Edition Cigar Bar is back for the Fall with a special 3 pack by Rocky Patel. The 2nd Cigar Bar release is to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of Rocky Patel cigars with an American tradition of a Silver Bar. This is the second edition of the United Cigars Cigar Bar that is part of their annual release Series Unidas collection. The Rocky Patel Cigar Bar features three individual blends from their portfolio and […]
Created by Nelson Alfonso of Selected Tobacco, the Alfonso Añejos shares a distinguished portfolio with a current line of luxury brands: Atabey, Byron and Bandolero. Selected Tobacco started with the vision of Nelson Alfonso, to offer the market a cigar that is aged with a purpose. All the Selected Tobacco lines are placed into cedar lined rooms after they are rolled, then humidity is raised and lowered to allow the cigars to clean themselves with […]
Red Anchor was the start of the boutique cigar industry when the line originally released in 1772 in Holland. Next month the line will once again line the shelves of retailers as the Red Anchor Admiral begins shipping to United Cigars retail partners. Red Anchor cigar was the first boutique cigar brand to adorn a cigar band and at this year’s Premium Cigar Association Trade Show in Las Vegas, United Cigars sold out the 250-box […]
The Foundation/United Wise Man Maduro Firecracker will begin shipping to United Cigars retailers starting August 22nd and will be staggered to arrive to retailers on August 29th. With the end of Summer approaching and Labor Day weekend on everyone’s calendar the rerelease of the 2021 United Cigars Series Unidas Firecracker couldn’t come at a better time. The on-going United Cigars Firecracker line is available year-round but there is always the anticipation of which manufacturers band will […]