According to Davidoff, “A range of the finest cigars inspired by the iconic aficionado each celebrating a different aspect of his richly complex character. A man of many layers and many dimensions. A man who was the embodiment of time beautifully filled. A man whose many facets added up to a personality which set him apart. A man who reveled in the richness of life and its many experiences. Who marched to the beat of his own drum. Who held substance above show. For all these reasons, it is fitting that it is a range of Davidoff cigars which should bear his name. After all we share the same values.
Our Master Blenders have embraced and accomplished the challenge to craft and blend a range of exceptional cigars as uniquely diverse in character as the person who inspired them. Like Sir Winston, they are a rich mixture of fine qualities drawing on and harmonizing the tobaccos of Nicaragua, Mexico, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. For in our pursuit of the finest blend of cigars, in the words of the great man himself, we will never, never, never give up. Introducing Winston Churchill – Cigars of Character.”
Available in four sizes the Winston Churchill is exclusively available at Appointed Merchants and Davidoff of Geneva Flagship stores.
Cigar: Winston Churchill
Size: 5 x 50 (Robusto)
Wrapper: Habano Ecuador Rojiza
Binder: Mexico: Negro San Andreas
Filler: Nicaragua: Esteli Seco, Condegas Seco. Dominican: Piloto Mejorado Seco, Hybrid Olor/Piloto Seco, Piloto Seco.
Strength: Mild
Source: Samples From Davidoff
The Look: The newly branded Davidoff Winston Churchill features a white band with a gold foil silhouette of Winston Churchill over the brand name Davidoff. The blind looking wrapper has a couple of prominent veins that detract slightly from the beauty of the cigar. In the hand the cigar has a heavy weight and a nice balance to it with no soft spots. The well packed foot reveals darker swirls of tobacco.
The Notes: The cold draw of the Winston Churchill mimics what you would expect from Davidoff in the sense that the notes are earthy. There is that classic Kelner profile of earth and hay that is matched on the aroma of the foot.
Once the cigar is clipped and toasted I was surprised by the strength of the cigars, this isn’t the ultra-mind Winston Churchill I smoked in the past. The cigar has a nice amount of pepper and subtle spices over some earth. The aroma of the cigar has a slight cocoa it.
In the second third of Winston Churchill some of the cocoa from the aroma works into the taste of the cigar itself. There remains some pepper in the background, but there is also a fruit like note, but it comes off as a tart variation rather than the sweetness.
The last third of the Winston Churchill there is some subtle pepper notes through the nose and while some of the cocoa notes remain, the focal point is an earthy component.
The Burn: The Winston Churchill was a nice slow burning smoke that composed of 7 different tobaccos. The chances of burn issues are greatly enhanced with so many different tobaccos present but the cigar burned even and true throughout. More importantly it remained lit from first light to last puff. The light color ash help for a third at a time with almost no flake. The draw was perfect with just the right resistance.
The Finish: I use to smoke the Winston Churchill Marakkesh on a regular basis back in the day, and the new Winston Churchill is above and beyond that experience. While these cigars won’t be out til February 2015, I will be counting down the days to purchase these. A smooth cigar that was complex enough to keep my interest, but was truly amazing was how balanced the cigar was. Elegance has a new name, and its name is Winston Churchill.
Score: 91
Price: $15.40