El Baton, a vintage brand originally crafted by J.C. Newman in 1914, returns to the spotlight with renewed vigor and a contemporary twist. Once a popular nickel cigar, it vanished from the market in the 1920s due to the rise of machine-made alternatives. However, in 2008, J.C. Newman’s grandsons, Eric and Bobby Newman, breathed new life into the brand, reintroducing it as the company’s first Nicaraguan cigar.
Grown in the fertile lands of Nicaragua, El Baton Robusto delivers a smooth, robust smoke with a delightful touch of spice. Initially available only as the Double Torpedo (6.25 x 56) , the brand expanded to offer three more sizes, including the Robusto (5×54) reviewed here, the Double Toro (6×60), and the Belicoso (5×56).
In 2022, El Baton makes yet another grand reentry, sporting an updated box design with bolder fonts and a band that exudes a classic charm. But it’s not just about looks – the blend has also been upgraded, featuring a richer mix of fillers and a higher grade of wrapper. Now expertly crafted at the PENSA cigar factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, this cigar showcases the best of full-bodied tobacco cultivated in the region’s richest soils.
The El Baton Robusto starts with a flavorful bark brown milk chocolate wrapper, flawlessly constructed to promise a delightful smoking experience. The initial third unravels with a delightful spice, complemented by notes of light pepper, leather undertones, salt, wheat bread, walnut, molasses, oak, and earth.
In the second third, the cigar’s complexity deepens, revealing captivating flavors of coffee, black pepper, Brazil nuts, peanut, charred oak, toasted rye, and a hint of bakers’ spice. The final third surprises with a symphony of coffee, pepper spice, nuts, wood, suede, oak, and cedar.
Throughout the journey, El Baton Robusto showcases great transitions, where woody and nutty profiles predominate, providing a truly enjoyable experience. With a strength score of 5.25 out of 10, this cigar offers just the right balance of kick and smoothness, catering to both seasoned aficionados and those seeking a touch of spice.
With an impressive final score of 90.43 out of 100, El Baton Robusto embodies the spirit of a timeless classic, gracefully revitalized to cater to modern palates. The allure of this exceptional smoke can usually be found at a premium price, but El Baton keeps true to its motto, delivering something that every true cigar enthusiast deserves.
Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or just beginning your cigar journey, El Baton Robusto is bound to impress with its flavorful blend and captivating experience. Embrace the legacy and indulge in this revived gem, now handcrafted in Nicaragua to provide aficionados with a truly remarkable smoking delight.
Strength Score: 5.25 out of 10
Final Score: 90.43 out of 100
This blind cigar review (Cigar #1-C) was scored by a distinguished panel of cigar enthusiasts, including: Trevor E, Nick – Cigar Pulpit, LKOUTS, AustinDan, Scooter, Justin F, Munch, Jim DeLuca.
Price: $8.49 per single, $185.99 per box of 25