A little over a year ago Davidoff introduced a cigar that was crafted “ for those who are in the mood to discover vibrant and intriguing experiences to fill their time beautifully. If time is one of life’s greatest luxuries, this cigar will fill it with excitement.”
Since that release we reviewed the Gran Toro and gave it a 93 and we reviewed the Robusto Tubo and gave it a 94. With news coming out this week that Davidoff is planning a line extension for Escurio we decided to round out the line by reviewing the Short Robusto.
Cigar Review: Davidoff Escurio
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Factory: Tabadom
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano
Binder: Brazil Cubra
Filler: Brazil Cubra, Brazil Mata Fina, Dominican Republic San Vicente, Dominican Republic Hybrid Olor/Piloto, Dominican Republic Piloto
Length: 3.25″
Ring Gauge: 50
Vitola: Petit Robusto
Strength: Medium
The Look: I was very hesitant to smoke these because outside of the firecracker, the size just doesn’t do anything for me. Packaged in 12 count slide top boxes that are black in color and utilize the colors of Brazil the cigar just look minuscule. The wrapper which has a few veins is oily and well packed with a nice weight to it.
The Notes: The cold draw of the cigar has a bit of earth to it, but a cracker like finish that reminds me of saltines. Off of the foot of the Ecurio there is a subtle sweetness. Due to the stature of the cigar I will not be breaking this down into thirds.
Once the cigar is lit there is a nice spice the envelops the palate that fades fairly quick as some notes of earth develop with a strong licorice like component to the profile. As the Escurio continues the licorice eventually fades as some cinnamon is introduced. The base note for the duration was earth with a touch of cedar.
The Burn: Two things impressed me about the cigar, the first was the amount of smoke production from this little guy. The second was how long it took to smoke this little guy, clocking in at just north of an hour for me, Mr. Slow Smoker. Other than that, the cigar burned cool and the ash remained all the way to the Davidoff band with no flake. The burn was close to perfect and the cigar remained list from first light to last puff.
The Finish: I avoided this cigar forever because of the size, but I liked it better than the Gran Toro which creates a conundrum. Based on those scores, can I score this as high as either one of them given the price point vs the size, and the answer is yes. It’s the perfect cigar when time is short.
Score: 93
Price: $8.59 each / $32.99 4-pack / $113.99 Box