If we wanted your Opinion…You’d think we’d just give it to you!

We consider ourselves as “The Authority” on everything Cigar, but we have never forgotten you have an opinion, even if they’re right or wrong and we really do want to hear it.  I know we have some keyboard bullies out there hiding in the dark, just looking to act tough and just waiting to give us grief.   I’ve seen them over the years in the chat rooms, heard about them in the industry and even received some inappropriate e-mails over the years…it’s your opinion and just like @$$#07%$…Everyone has one…we want to hear yours…opinion that is! 

Now on The Cigar Authority…for as long as we can stand it, we are opening up the comment section to our posts.  Chime in…tell us what you think.  Go ahead…I double dare you!

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