Davidoff Launches New Winston Churchill Shorts

Davidoff introduces a new line of complex Winston Churchill short cigars to delight aficionados who are short on time

Basel, June 2015. Davidoff announces the addition of two short cigars in a Belicoso and Petit Panetela format to the recently introduced line of Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars bearing the name of the world’s most iconic cigar aficionado – Sir Winston Churchill. A man whose many facets and complexity added up to a personality which set him apart. A man who was the very embodiment of “Time Beautifully Filled”.

“These two new short formats have been designed to delight aficionados with an exceptionally complex cigar when time is a luxury. Like other cigars in the Davidoff Winston Churchill range, they are inspired by two of Winston Churchill’s complex character facets: a man of great speeches and write ups – The ‘Raconteur’, and a man who explored the world – The ‘Traveller’,” says Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Global Marketing and Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG.


Sir Winston Churchill was a man who throughout his life was a traveller, a wayfarer, exploring the world through his work as a war correspondent, widening his horizons and his mind. This took him to Cuba and to the beginning of his love affair with cigars. Indeed seeds from the island are in the fabric of the Belicoso. Later, his roaming spirit would take him to Marrakesh, the inspiration for many of his paintings and a location as rich and full-flavoured as this Belicoso format cigar, which would certainly satisfy Sir Winston’s taste for the exotic.

Sir Winston was a raconteur, a lover of “les bon mots”. A teller of tales and a weaver of words, his speeches were as captivating in private as they were in public. The anecdotes would intermingle like the complex flavours of the Davidoff Winston Churchill Petit Panetela which starts a little earthy with hints of spice and liquorice but then, against a backdrop of floral and herb notes, it begins to gradually mellow out. Like the closing of an evening, enjoyed in the conversational company of the Great Man himself.

The aim was to craft this new range of short cigars as uniquely diverse as the man who inspired them. The Davidoff Master Blenders have embraced and accomplished an exciting challenge: blending cigars of a complex character with a rich mixture of fine qualities drawing on and harmonizing the tobaccos of Nicaragua, Peru, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. The inspiration for these chosen short formats was the Great Man’s persona, his complex character traits, and his actions and experiences which shaped our history.

The Davidoff Winston Churchill short cigars boast a beautiful shiny and oily Ecuadorian wrapper. The blends of the Belicoso and the Petit Panetela are inspired by the multifaceted character of Sir Winston Churchill thus delivering a palate stimulation in line with the range of Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars; truly Cigars of Character. While enjoying these cigars, the palate is delighted with pepper notes, dark coffee, wood and spices accompanied with a creamy aftertaste and rich aroma. With an enjoyment time of 25 minutes these cigars are ideally suited for aficionados short on time. These cigars come in an elegant white lacquered tin that can fit in every pocket and showcases the embossed iconic silhouette of Sir Winston Churchill.

Davidoff Winston Churchill Belicoso
Wrapper: Excuador Habano
Binder: Peru Pelo de Oro Visus
Filler: Dominican Republic & Nicaragua
Size: 4.5 x 46
Cost: $29.00 Per tin


Davidoff Winston Churchill Petit Panetela
Wrapper: Excuador Habano
Binder: Peru Pelo de Oro Visus
Filler: Dominican Republic & Nicaragua
Size: 4 x 38
Cost: $31.75 Per tin

Launch and availability
The Davidoff Winston Churchill short cigars will be available to cigar aficionados at Davidoff Appointed Merchants/Davidoff Flagship Stores and carefully selected retailers worldwide from July 2015.

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