One of the most sought after Davidoff cigars of the past has been the Robusto Real Especiales 7. The cigar has finally made its return to Davidoff retailers around the world. When the cigar was launched back in 2004 some said using more than four filler leaves makes rolling cigars with consistent draws more challenging. Davidoff pushed the norms and blended this cigar with 5 filler tobaccos. Once you add the binder and wrapper the grows to an almost unheard of 7 ingredients.
Today we review the 2019 Limited Edition Robusto Real Especiales 7 vintage cigar is now available again for a limited time.
Cigar Review: Davidoff Robusto Real Especiales 7
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano
Binder: Dominican Republic (Olor Seco)
Filler: Dominican Republic (San Vicente Ligero, San Vicente Visus, Piloto Seco, Piloto Visus, Olor Seco)
Length: 5.5″
Ring Gauge: 48
Size: Robusto
The Look: The Davidoff Robusto Real Especiales 7 Limited Edition come in beautiful wooden boxes, featuring a natural wood design and an icon highlighting the vintage cigar’s blend, the boxes present 10 Robusto cigars. Inside the the cigars feature the classic white label band with a secondary band denoting Especiales 7. The Ecuador Habano has a matte feel to it with some subtle veins. There isn’t a lot of oils present which one would expect from a Habano wrapper. In the hand the cigar feels heavy and the foot of the cigar doesn’t appear as packed as I would expect given how much tobacco is packed into the 48 ring gauge smoke.
The Burn: Once we use my Lotus Jaws cutter to clip the cap the cold draw has a cherry like sweetness that isn’t typical for Davidoff, but in addition there is also a touch of kiwi giving the cigar a tropical feel to it before we consider lighting it up. Moving to the foot of the cigar the aroma is warm and musky with a subtle barnyard note with hints of cedar and hay. There is also some chocolate present like that melted inside a puffed pastry.
Before we take our first puff the aroma from the toasting the tobacco is like a cinnamon graham cracker that creates an experience I have never come across before. I’ve never toasted the foot of a cigar and been treated by such an influx of aromas. As we take our first two puffs the cigar is reminiscent of an aged Davidoff with notes of earth, cedar and hay. The aroma while toasting the cigar disappears once we begin smoking it.
Settling into the first third of the cigar notes of earth and hay are dominant with a touch of cedar. There is also some underlying sweetness to the cigar though it doesn’t come close to capturing what was experienced on the cold draw. The retrohale sees notes of mocha and a subtle pepper and it helps create a long enjoyable finish.
The second third of the cigar sees notes of warm chocolate that capitvate the palate. Around the half way the cigar develops a saltiness that engages the front of the palate. There is that drying sensation that I always get with San Vicente tobacco so I recommend keeping a libation present. The retrohale of the cigar adds some more chocolate on the finish of the cigar.
As the cigar closes out this smooth balanced cigar continues to serve up notes of earth, cedar, chocolate and saltiness. As we move past the band a subtle fruity sweetness begins to emerge but it never fully materializes. The finish is long and the San Vicente tobacco still play a dominant role in the mouthfeel of the cigar.
The Notes: It’s been 15 years since this cigar was on the market and it’s safe to say most do not remember it. I remember smoking the cigar at Davidoff on Madison Ave in NYC but I don’t recall any details of the experience. Is this the same cigar as released back then, perhaps. It’s exceptionally smooth and balanced with some classic Davidoff notes and some sweetness that gives it a different feel then many of their blends. It’s definitely a cigar for hardcore fans of the brand and worthy of a purchase if you fall into that category.
Score: 91
Price: $28.69 / $284.99