Each year Davidoff releases a cigar to celebrate the Chinese New Year, and this year they follow suit with the Davidoff Year of the Monkey which is set to ship November 2nd.
According to Davidoff, “With a cigar in the hand and a twinkle in the eye, you won’t find a more entertaining companion to celebrate the Chinese New Year with than the Monkey. For the Monkey, there is never a dull moment. They, like Davidoff, see time as something to be filled beautifully, and filled to overflowing. A lively and irrepressible spirit, the playful presence at any gathering. They are simply lovable enthusiasts, eager to experience all the various flavors life has to offer, flavors which Davidoff are equally eager to supply.”
The Davidoff Year of the Monkey will come in 10 count boxes and the Special Toro which measures 6.5 x 50 will feature a Habano Rojiza Corte 3 wrapper from Ecuador and a binder from San Andres Mexico. The cigar is rounded out with 5 different filler leaves consisting of Ometepe Visus (Nicaragua); Piloto Visus, San Vicente Ligero, Hybrid Corojo/ Olor Ligero (Dominican Republic) and Peruvian Seco (Peru).
The Davidoff Year of the Monkey is expected to retail for $34.00
In addition to the cigars Davidoff has creates two distinct ashtrays featuring matte and brilliant gold mixed with vibrant red to create a rich pattern evoking the many red envelopes exchanged during the Chinese New Year.