Davidoff GBA Cigars
Last week in Las Vegas at the IPCPR, Davidoff hosted it’s annual Golden Band Awards Dinner. According to an email from Davidoff,
Zino Davidoff believed in the importance of time. Then and now, the time dedicated to cultivating, drying, curing, and blending, in the single-minded pursuit of creating only the finest cigars. It takes time to create an exceptional cigar, and the GBA Limited Edition Cigar was created to symbolize the time each honoree has dedicated to achieve Davidoff’s highest standard of excellence. GBA winners will have exclusive access to the Limited Edition for one year.
These cigars will be available exclusively at the Retailers who won these awards, including site sponsor Two Guys Smoke Shop. The Davidoff GBA will come in a beautiful black lacquered box emulating the award. Each box will contain 10 Robusto (5.25 x 52) smokes which are described as balanced and medium-full in body. They will have an MSRP of $21.25 per stick before local taxes.