Originally released in 2005, Davidoff has brought back the critically acclaimed Robusto Intenso. According to a Davidoff Press Release, “In the year 2005 Davidoff’s Master Blenders delivered on a pioneering challenge true to our founder Zino Davidoff: to create a cigar experience that is intense and complex, yet also exhilarant and smooth. For this task, they had masterfully achieved to blend tobaccos from five different regions of the Dominican Republic with an Ecuadorian wrapper and […]
10 Count Boxes
On the heels of the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Maestro being named the 2019 #1 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado – earning a 96 rating – Altadis U.S.A. is releasing a special-edition figurado using this award-winning blend. This special edition is called the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Impromptu. A collaboration between Rafael Nodal and AJ Fernandez, the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Impromptu is handmade in Nicaragua. Shipping for this special cigar, available in […]
Crux du Connoisseur To Be Released in September (Miami, Fl.) – After announcing its five vitola Guild blend, Crux Cigars is proud to provide details on the second of three brand new lines that will be available in the second half of this year. The second new brand for Crux Cigars will be the Crux du Connoisseur, an exceedingly rich, flavorful and robust blend that is built to hold up well to both hearty coffee as well […]