With 2019 behind us it’s time for Dave to give his 2020 State of the Cigar Industry Address. What trends did 2019 see happen. Was cigar production up or down? How did the cigar producing countries fare? What will 2020 bring? Is the cigar industry in an upward or downward trend? Dave takes a look at it all in one of our most popular shows each year. We will do this while smoking a cigar […]
Cigar Imports
It’s one of the most popular shows every year and we expect this year to be no different. It’s the Cigar Industry Prediction show. We see so many reps, sales managers and brand owners over the course of the year and we hear more then our fair share of rumors. Some of them can quickly be written off, but some of them might just hold some truth to them. This year we make our prediction […]
In Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver was held captive by the people of Lilliput before he reached an agreement with the King where he would be permitted to roam free as long as he didn’t hurt the small people of the Island. Eventually he was charged with Treason before escaping. One could look at this tale and draw similarities to the Cigar Industry. The big companies are out to hurt the little companies, but have those small […]