The Cigar Authority, a renowned cigar news website and host of The Cigar Authority podcast, proudly unveils the Smoke, Taste, And Review System (STARS), a groundbreaking approach to cigar reviews. With STARS, ratings and reviews are no longer conducted by The Cigar Authority team members but by consumers themselves. These unbranded cigars are purchased with their own money, ensuring an impartial evaluation of the cigars without any predetermined biases. According to David Garofalo, host of […]
Cigar Ratings
This week on The Cigar Authority Live from the Toscano Sound Stage in Salem, New Hampshire… 10 years ago, a British banker drops what he was doing and creates a cigar brand for himself. Today, (after 10 years) he is an overnight sensation. Akhil Kapacee from Regis Cigars joins us. live in studio on The Cigar Authority! In the first hour we will light up a Regius Black Label Petit Robusto from The Cigar Authority […]
The entire team at The Cigar Authority are members of the blind tasting panel for Cigar Journal magazine. This week on the After Show, we look at the current issue of the magazine and discuss some of the stories that caught our interest. The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop […]
This week, we talk about whether cigar ratings really affect sales. Does a good or bad rating change the sales of a cigar? The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at
Cigar Ratings… they’re not what they used to be… but were they ever? We’ve all seen it, you even see it here on The Cigar Authority. One of our crew “rating” a cigar with a number….89, 90, 91… what the hell does it even mean? When I was in school and got a 90 or 91 it was pretty much the same… it was an A. An 89, although quite good and almost an A […]