The Cigar Industry: Balancing Cause and Effect An Editorial by David Garofalo In the complex web of the cigar industry, cause and effect play a pivotal role, shaping the landscape and influencing trends. Newton’s Third Law of Motion, which suggests that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, finds significance in the dynamics of today’s cigar marketplace. The recent disruptions in the cigar industry, characterized by soaring prices can be studied through the lens […]
First, let me state this article is 100% the opinion of Barry. It is being typed from my fingers. Yesterday, HR 2339 passed the committee vote by a vote of 28-24 and some people are calling this a win for the cigar industry. It is, to a degree, because it appears cigars are getting an exemption. However, that exemption is only being offered to a select few brands as they appear on the shelf at […]
(Oct 23, 2019) – I can’t say that I was surprised or unhappy for the overall good of the entire cigar industry, but as predicted and expected, Altria Group, after just 1,000 days since purchasing Nat Sherman will sell off the Premium cigar segment of the operation. Altria is the parent company of Philip Morris. In January of 2017 Altria purchased Nat Sherman, a luxury cigarette company who also owned and operated a premium cigar division […]
BANNED IN BOSTON… THE WAR ON TOBACCO CONTINUES Another Editorial by David Garofalo It’s Columbus Day, a day to celebrate the discovery of Tobacco and Cigars, and a day to discover why there is a war against tobacco. A few weeks ago, the Governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker placed a four-month ban on all vaping products in response to the popularity of e-cigarettes and after nine people died in the United States from a mysterious […]
It’s Tax Day again, and still unfair to the smoker. Another Editorial by David Garofalo The discrimination against smokers, buyers and sellers of tobacco products all began in 1794, when the secretary of the treasury Alexander Hamilton introduced the first ever, federal excise tax. It was on tobacco products only, and after some major modifications, Hamilton’s original proposal passed only to be repealed shortly thereafter. It was believed to have an insignificant effect on the federal budget. Even though Hamilton’s […]
Sometimes I hate to be right! Another Editorial by David Garofalo Seeing a big tobacco giant like Altria, parent company of Philip Morris getting into the Premium Cigar business with their acquisition of Nat Sherman in January or 2017 was like an alarm going off to me. Oh no… they are going to screw this up for all the premium cigar makers, retailers and consumers… I just know it. Some estimated they paid as much […]
This week we discuss an editorial penned by David Garofalo on the changing face of the cigar industry that promises to be thought provoking and maybe even debatable. We also have a big announcement from Chuck Morrison as we light up the La Galera Box Press from The Cigar Authority. Join us for all the madness known as The Cigar Authority, live from Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH on the low hanging fruit […]
The Changing “FACE” of the Cigar Industry! The Faces of the Brands and the ones that could be changing another Editorial by David Garofalo We know a small business owner, as is in the cigar industry, must be a jack of all trades and one of the tools they should possess is being the face of their brand. Today even some of the huge corporations and brands have attempted to put faces and personalities to […]
Obama Hurting U.S. Small Business by Easing Restriction on Cuban Cigars – A David Garofalo Editorial
PLEASE… stop asking that question… The Cuban Embargo is NOT Over, but there has been yet another kick in the cojones for American businesses and the creation of an unfair playing field, if you ask me. Americans traveling abroad can now return with all the Cuban cigars and Cuban rum they want and they don’t go through any of the same pesky regulations and taxation that all other cigars have to go through. This “free […]
Collaboration Cigars Too many Chefs in the Kitchen An Editorial by David Garofalo It’s been going on for a while and when I hear of it, it always sparks my attention and creates lots of interest and discussion in the cigar lounge but it seems to me to never work out as I had expected. I’m talking about a cigar maker or owner of a cigar brand teaming up with another owner of a cigar […]