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FDA Choosing Option 1, What Does It Mean?

While we wait for an official statement from Cigar Rights of America and IPCPR regarding Option 1, my co-worker and I have browsed the 499 page document this is what we were able to get out of it. I will preface this with the fact we are not lawyers, and this is our interpretation of what we read. With the choosing of Option 1, all brands that were on the market prior to February, 2007 would […]

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FDA Regulations – The Text

The following was filed this morning at 8:45am and is expected to be published on May 10th, The result would be that these regulations would go into effect 90 days from the publishing date, unless an act of Congress provides an exemption.

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FDA Regulations Announced, Press Conference At 10:30am

According to published reports Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell and FDA Administrator Robert Califf, a physician, are scheduled to brief reporters at 10:30 a.m. Thursday. HHS officials would not comment on the topic of the briefing. Currently there is a bill working its way through the House that would save premium cigars and change the predicate date from 2007 to the date FDA Regulations are announced (today). The FDA has chosen Option 1 which will […]

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Premium Cigar Language Survives Challenge In FY17

Today the House Appropriations Committee held a full committee mark-up to move the Agriculture Appropriations bill to the next phase of the legislative process. This bill contains important language that would exempt premium cigars from FDA regulation. During the committee meeting, an amendment was offered by Rep. DeLauro (D-CT) to strip the language that defines premium cigars and exempts that category from FDA regulation. This amendment failed by a 14 to 34 vote. The challenge […]

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Language To Change Predicate Date To Be Inserted in FY17

Last week we reported on the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies released the draft legislation for FY2017 which included a provision to protect premium cigars from undue FDA regulation. The language states, “SEC. 749. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used to finalize, implement, administer, or enforce the proposed rule with the regulation identifier number 0910–AG38 published by the […]

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Cigar Rights Issues Statement On FY17 Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food & Drug Administration and Related Agencies released the fiscal year 2017 Agriculture Appropriations, which included language addressing the issue of premium cigars and proposed FDA regulation. Cigar Rights of America applauds the language included by the committee that seeks to protect small businesses and the freedom of adult consumers throughout the nation. The language contained within the bill, and […]

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Appropriations Subcommittee Moves To Protect Premium Cigars

International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Applauds U.S. House Effort to Protect Premium Cigar Industry from Onerous Regulation WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies released the draft legislation for FY2017 which included a provision to protect premium cigars from undue FDA regulation. The language states, “SEC. 749. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used […]

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Podcast: Celebrating AVO’s 90th & Smoking Cubans

This week on The Cigar Authority podcast we celebrate Avo Uvezian’s 90th birthday by lighting up a cigar that was included in the care package. We also take a look at the industries copycats and light up a couple of Cuban cigars. We got our first cease and desist letter and bring you up to date on the latest news regarding the FDA deeming regulations. [jetpack_subscription_form] Next Podcast: Celebrating AVO’s 90 & Smoking Some Cubans [chatwing […]

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FDA Ruling On Cigars Frozen For Now

The forthcoming Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deeming regulations on cigars have been put to the side for now, say insiders, as there is a temporary freeze on the FDA Ruling close sources tell The Cigar Authority today. The story heard is that the decision for the freeze came immediately following President Obama’s historic visit to Cuba this past Tuesday March 22nd. Cigars are one of the largest exported products from Cuba followed closely behind raw […]

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FDA Seeks To Purchase Cigar Smoking Machines

As the cigar industry waits for the FDA ruling on cigars, some new information has come out about some of the things that the FDA will be looking at when it comes to regulation. On February 22, 2016, the FDA announced that they were seeking to purchase a Cigar Smoking Machine with CO Analyzer. According to the document, they are seeking a smoking machine capable of smoking a 22.5mm cigar which would be between a 57 and […]

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