To present its loyal aficionados with interesting and detailed insights into its unique cigar creation process, Davidoff Cigars launches its “The Difference” campaign. The communication revolves around the highly acclaimed Davidoff White Band Collection lines Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversario and Millennium and offers fascinating glimpses behind the scenes of Davidoff’s extraordinary efforts. For a strong start, the brand releases a limited edition of its formerly permanent and highly popular Davidoff Classic No. 1 cigar, now […]
This week on The Cigar Authority broadcasting live from the Toscano Sound Stage in Salem, New Hampshire… The Brand is All Saints – and they have only been around for three years and have already been a contender for the Cigar of the Year twice including their big win for Cigar of the Year 2021. The Co-Founder of the company Micky Pegg is here with us to answer some tough questions, maybe. In the first […]
This pinnacle in the series marks the tenth and final release. Inspired by AVO Uvezian’s dynamic and diverse legacy, two distinct, complex blends stand together in perfect harmony. The closing improvisation is the tenth release in the line made to celebrate the legacy and lifestyle of Avo Uvezian. For a man so dynamic, a legacy so diverse and a figure capable of transforming any space, the closing Improvisation utilizes two blends, white and black, to perfectly […]
At the end of 2018 we saw the first Limited Edition for 2019 from Davidoff with the Year of the Pig and it continues in 2019 with the release of the Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2019. The cigar is described as being inspired by Winston Churchill’s sense of travel and is limited to 3,500 boxes in the United States. According to Davidoff, “Every draw a souvenir from a treasured location. Winston understood the joy of […]
Late last week Davidoff sent out an email to retailers announcing that the Royal Robusto which had been available in 50 count boxes will be available in time for the holidays as a smaller 10 count box. The Davidoff’s Royal Robusto Gifting Edition is expertly and meticulously crafted for life’s festive occasions. The cigars feature handpicked tobaccos from their master blender and are aged for a minimum of 10 years in small quantities. The Davidoff Royal […]
Eric Hanson of Hammer + Sickle stopped by The Cigar Authority office this afternoon with the soon to be released Hammer + Sickle Limited Edition 2014. The cigars will come in 10 count boxes and carry a MSRP of $10.00. The details of the cigar are being closely guarded but it was shared with The Cigar Authority that there is 6 different types of tobacco from 3 countries. The image featured on the band and […]