September 12, 2023– C.L.E. Cigar Company promotes industry veteran Robert Wright to National Sales Manager. Robert has an extensive resume in the cigar industry that dates back 40 years, which includes Camacho and Davidoff Cigars. Robert Wright will step into his role immediately. Robert Wright, born in Costa Rica, grew up in the U.S. and followed his first love, music. Robert majored in music and went on to perform professionally. The saxophone being his instrument of choice, Robert traveled […]
Robert Wright
This week on episode 497 The Cigar Authority welcomes to the show Robert Wright owner of Pura Soul cigars as they fire up a cigar from the care package, King’s Treasure. The boys sit down with Robert and discuss his 30 yea history in cigars and his passion for music. He will treat us to some smooth sounds of his saxophone as we enjoy the smooth notes of his cigar. In the second hour fire […]
At the 2015 IPCPR in New Orleans, Robert Wright announced a third and fourth release within the Pura Soul portfolio. Both blends are from Honduras and use tobacco from the Jamastran Valley region produced by the Eiroa family. The first of the new releases is a Maduro wrapped, Corojo blend available in three sizes. The 5 x 50, 6 x 54 and 7 x 64 sticks will carry a MSRP ranging from $7.65 and $9.45 […]
Robert Wright, brand owned of Pura Soul who has been with Christian Eiroa for a number of years has opted to leave CLE. Back in July, 2014 we showed the new look Pura Soul and it appears these cigars will be available via Robert Wright himself who is venturing off on his own. Robert Wright and Christian Eiroa remain close and the split has been amicable.
Robert Wright, the man behind Pura Soul is someone I have known since I lived in Brooklyn, NY. When I was partners in The Humidor, he was our local rep. He would eventually wind up with Christian Eiroa where he would partner up with him on the release of this smoke. One of my favorite memories of Robert Wright was at Country Club Cigars watching him play the saxophone at an event. I was surprised […]