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The After Show: There’s A Letter in Your Mailbox

This week, the boys pull some messages from the mail bag. What is on the minds of our viewers and listeners? The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the cigars we discuss at

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Intemperance Whiskey Rebellion Hamilton Cigar Review

This week on The Cigar Authority we smoked the Whiskey Rebellion by RoMaCraft Tobac which was part of the The Cigar Authority Care Package. The cigars take their name from the protest known as the Whiskey Rebellion, which began in 1791 under George Washington’s presidency. Washington’s Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, introduced a tax on all distilled spirits in an attempt to lower the nation’s debt without raising the nation’s already-high import taxes; the Whiskey Tax […]

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The After Show: Steve Saka Talks New Size of Brulee & Dave Makes a PCA Decision

This week on The After Show brought to you by RoMaCraft Cigars we continue talking with Steve Saka as he introduces to us a new size of Brulee. Additionally, Steve makes Dave uncomfortable by demanding an answer on wether not Dave is going to PCA. Did he answer Yes or No? Tune in today and find out! The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of […]

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Cromagnon Knuckle Dragger 2020 Cigar Review

When it comes to RoMaCraft Cigars you need to be patient especially if you are in a high-volume cigar shop such as Two Guys Smoke Shop. The CroMagnon has been unavailable since the fall of 2019 and before that Neanderthal had its fair share of back orders before shipping on a regular basis again, though some will argue the cigar isn’t the same while others like me will argue it’s even better then ever. Well, […]

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Neanderthal Genetic Deformity Cigar Review

When is a barber pole, not a barber pole? The answer in my book is when it’s the Neanderthal Genetic Deformity. The cigar features the wrapper of the Cromagnon Aquitaine (Habano) and Cromagnon (Broadleaf) but unless you look closely you might miss it. Technically speaking, it is a barber pole but it doesn’t have the definitive contrast in wrappers we all associate with the type of cigar. Cigar Review: Neanderthal Genetic Deformity Wrapper: Habano / Broadleaf  (Barber […]

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The After Show Talks About The Super Bowl, Miami and Cigars

This week The After Show talks about the Dave’s exploits while he was at TPE and in Miami for the Super Bowl. We look at the difference between regions of cigar shops and Dave’s experience in two shops while in the 305. What did he learn and does he have any good stories to share? The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio […]

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The After Show Discusses FDA Guidance, Did We Get A Win?

Recently the FDA said that enforcing regulations on the cigar industry is a low priority. Some people say this was a win, but was it? Our own Mr. Jonathan did some research on the guidance issued by the FDA that shows this isn’t the win people think it is. Tune in as we discuss the FDA on The After Show sponsored by RoMaCraft Tobac. The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network […]

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Podcast: The After Show Catches Up On Viewer Mail

This week The After Show catches up on listener email.  The listeners have questions and The After Show has answers.  The After show is brought to you by Roma Craft Tobac. The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many of the […]

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Podcast: The After Show Discusses The End of Online Cigar Sales

This week, The After Show discusses legislation which could mean the end of online cigar sales. Will these new restrictions become law? The After show is brought to you by Roma Craft Tobac. The Cigar Authority is a member of the United Podcast Network and is recorded live in front of a studio audience at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe upstairs at Two Guys Smoke Shop in Salem, NH and as always you can find many […]

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RoMaCraft Baka Bantu Cigar Review

If you follow social media one of the companies that consistently generate a tremendous buzz about a new cigar is RoMaCraft. Their fans affectionately referred to as Weasels are passionate about a brand in an industry that has seen brand loyalty wane over the years. Since the Baka was announced back in March fans have eagerly awaited the release of the cigar that is currently only available in one size (Bantu 4 x 52) with […]

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