Crafted to honor the proud tradition of American cigar-making, J.C. Newman’s The American Toro is a celebration of heritage, craftsmanship, and dedication. Rolled in the historic El Reloj factory in Ybor City, Florida, this cigar is a 100% American creation. From its Florida Sun Grown wrapper to the aged Connecticut and Pennsylvania tobaccos within, every element tells a uniquely American story.
The American Toro is a beautifully crafted cigar. Its medium brown colored wrapper has a subtle tooth, smooth to the touch with an impeccable construction. Well-packed and firm, this cigar screams quality at first glance.
Lighting up reveals a surprising and delightful profile. The cigar starts with creamy lemon shortbread notes, balanced by cedar and a touch of cinnamon reminiscent of Red Hot candies. Hints of peanuts and white pepper spice dance on the palate, with an effortless retrohale enhancing the experience. The aroma is captivating, evoking European tanning oil—a unique and pleasant addition.
As the cigar progresses, the cedar flavors intensify, now accompanied by notes of hay and a licorice sambuca-like sweetness. Earthy espresso emerges, alongside graham cracker and a touch of leather and nuttiness. A refreshing minty note, akin to wintergreen Life Savers, adds an intriguing dimension. The complexity is remarkable, and the transitions between flavors feel seamless.
In the final stretch, the sambuca notes fade, allowing espresso and leather to take center stage. A more robust spice profile develops, with red pepper and jalapeño adding a subtle kick. Woodsy notes of cedar and hickory tie the flavors together beautifully, creating a satisfying finale.
The American Toro is a masterclass in balance, complexity, and craftsmanship. The smooth transitions between flavor notes and the cigar’s superb construction ensure a slow, enjoyable burn. Its Cubanesque nuances set it apart, making it a cigar you’ll savor down to the nub. This is a cigar that demands your attention and rewards your time. If you’re looking for a smoke that showcases the pinnacle of American cigar-making, The American Toro delivers in spades.
Overall Score: 90.71 out of 100
Overall Strength Score: 4.50 out of 10
This blind review (Cigar #18-D) was conducted by the Cigar Review Team comprising of: Rick Galletta, JB Smith, Rob Brown, SamF, Travis Rodd, Bret Curry, Hassib Abou-Zaki – The Cigar Prophet, Mike Conklin, George Hillman, and Nicholas Peters