A new size of the Davidoff Nicaragua was introduced at the trade show in Las Vegas this year. The diadema is a salomon shaped cigar that the Davidoff website describes as, “This elegant shape is the continuation of the Nicaragua journey. The beautiful Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema provides from the beginning a complex and balanced smoking experience, offering sweet and salty stimulation with some leather notes and a long aftertaste. The new format is aligned with the other Nicaragua cigar in the line regarding the bittersweet taste experience and the peppery & spicy characteristics typical of a Nicaraguan.”
The salomon could be one of my favorite sizes or one of my least favorite due to potential issues if not rolled correctly. However, with this coming from Davidoff I am willing to bet it will be amongst my favorite.
Cigar: Davidoff Nicaragua
Size: 6.5 x 50 (Diadema/Salomon)
Wrapper: Nicaragua Habano Rosado
Binder: Nicaragua (Jalapa)
Filler: Nicaragua (Condega, Esteli, Ometepe)
The Look: Looking at the wrapper of the Davidoff Diadema it looks a little lighter than I have come to expect for a Habano Rosado although there is an abundance of oils. The Salomon is rolled to perfection with faint seams. It is firm to the touch with no soft spots. There classic white label band has been changed on the Nicaragua blend to black with silver, and the secondary band denotes Nicaragua in case there were any doubts.
The Notes: The cold draw of the Davidoff Diadema comes off as more a classic Davidoff rather than Nicaraguan with notes of earth and hay. There is a slight salty note present as well while aroma of the wrapper reminds me of the smoked wood smoldering in a fire pit. The first light of the cigar offers up a little bit of saltiness with before the notes of cedar take hold.
As we smoke into the first third of the flavor bomb the complexity is mind-blowing. The cedar notes begin to grow, but there is a peppermint not present as well with an incredibly smooth creaminess. As we get past the “nipple” of the diadema there is a slight citrus note developing as well as a some coffee.
In the second third of the Davidoff Diadema the complexity of the first third begins to fade as the notes become more Davidoff like with earth, hay and grass becoming the focal point. Once you go through the nose, the retrohale does bring some of the complexity back as charred wood note experienced on the cold draw becomes more of a focal point.
As we breach the last third of the cigar notes of cedar step up front and center with a returning peppermint on the finish. The cigar remained very smooth until it could no longer be held due to the size.
The Burn: A diadema could be a nightmare, but the Davidoff Nicaragua is as perfect as a diadema that I have come across. From the first pull of the cigar the draw was perfect and never too tight as many of this vitola can be in the first inch or so. The cigar had great burn line with a dark color ash that held on for an inch and a half.
The Finish: The Nicaragua Diadema from Davidoff should be used as an example of what this size cigar is supposed to be. An outstanding salomon shape with an exquisitely complex flavor profile the stick is a home run. While not full body and spicy like many cigars from the region this is a Dominican cigar with a Nicaraguan twist. Definitely box worthy to say the least.
Score: 93
Price: $17.99 single / $204.99 box of 12 / $70.99 Four Pack