Size: Robusto 5” x 54
In 2021, HVC Cigars celebrated a momentous milestone, their 10th anniversary in the cigar business, with the release of the HVC 10th Anniversary Toro, a limited edition that quickly flew off the shelves. Now, in 2023, Reinier Lorenzo, the mastermind behind HVC, continues the celebration by introducing the HVC 10th Anniversary Robusto, a special limited edition to commemorate their 12th year in the industry.
This Nicaraguan puro is a masterful blend, featuring a Corojo ’99 wrapper, Criollo ’98 binder, and a harmonious combination of Corojo ’99, Criollo ’98, and Corojo 2012 fillers. While the blend remains faithful to the original, the wrapper’s classification has transitioned from claro to rosado, enhancing its visual allure.
The exquisite tobaccos for this celebratory creation are sourced from the renowned Aganorsa farms, but what sets this release apart is that the cigars are now meticulously handcrafted at HVC’s newly established Fabrica de Tabacos HVC S.A. factory in Estelí, Nicaragua.
Appearance: The HVC 10th Anniversary Robusto boasts a toothy, toasted caramel golden color, crowned with a precise triple cap, and exudes an irresistibly smooth appearance.
First Third: As the journey begins, notes of black pepper and mesquite engage the palate, accompanied by a woody essence and a hint of spice. A delightful medley of pistachio, lemon zest, and chai tea gracefully intertwines with hints of cinnamon, cream, cedar, and oak, creating an inviting and complex symphony of flavors.
Second Third: Transitioning into the middle segment, the cigar continues to impress with earthy tones mingling with toasted nuts and enchanting hints of vanilla and creamy coffee. The nutty character of pistachio and oak accentuates the overall experience, harmoniously complemented by a sprinkle of nutmeg.
Final Third: The grand finale unfolds with a burst of black pepper and a captivating creamy spice. Nutmeg dances alongside flavors of salt, sunflower seed, coffee, and hazelnut, concluding the performance on a high note of caramelized vanilla.
Overall Impression: The HVC 10th Anniversary Robusto is an exceedingly enjoyable cigar, offering a medium-bodied experience that showcases a balanced array of flavors without overpowering the palate. With a gratifying smoke output, it is sure to captivate aficionados seeking a memorable celebration in each draw.
Strength: 4.78 out of 10
Final Rating: Excellent – 88 out of 100
This blind cigar review (Cigar #1-B) was scored by a distinguished panel of cigar enthusiasts, including The Far King, Daniel, Reverend Eldon, Chief16, Nicholas Garlock, Ruby Cannoli, Jeff Endrizzi, Jeffery Knipe, and Bill Forlano.
Price: $13.99 per single, $124.99 per box of 10