Studio 21 No. 3 is a Dominican cigar, featuring an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper, Dominican fillers, and binder. This hand-constructed cigar promises a mellow, smooth, and complex smoking experience.
The cigar presents itself with a smooth and delicate Connecticut wrapper, boasting a light brown hue. The roll is well-executed, and the cap is neatly applied, setting the stage for what appears to be a finely crafted smoke.
Upon ignition, the initial flavors flood the palate with notes of hay, grass, and cedar. A subtle nuttiness and a sweetness reminiscent of green apple provide a mellow and clean taste. The overall experience in the first third is smooth, making for an enjoyable introduction.
As the journey progresses into the second third, the hay notes take a step back, making room for a subtle mesquite flavor. The profile evolves with hints of an unsalted pretzel and leather, maintaining the initial mellow and smooth character. The complexity of the smoke becomes more apparent without sacrificing the overall harmony.
In the final stretch, the hay and grass notes persist, albeit in a subdued manner. Pepper and coffee notes make an entrance, contributing to a slightly increased strength. The leather notes persist, accompanied by a citrusy touch resembling lemon zest. This stage adds a layer of depth to the overall flavor profile, leaving a lasting impression.
Studio 21 No. 3 delivers a great smoking experience with a solid output of smoke. Its mellow and smooth character makes it an excellent choice for novices, especially as a morning companion or for a leisurely round of golf. The cigar’s construction, flavor complexity, and overall performance contribute to a positive impression.
Overall Score: 88.13 out of 100
Overall Strength: 3.19 out of 10
This blind cigar review (Cigar #5-C) was scored by a distinguished panel of cigar enthusiasts, including: Mike Cokeley, Nick – Cigar Pulpit, LKOUTS, Justin Fultz, Jim DeLuca, Ray Forslund, The Fah King, AustinDan, Mike Fox & Munch
Price: $8.99 per single, $143.99 per box