United Cigars is not merely a company or a brand; it’s an American icon with a legacy dating back over a century, offering unique cigar experiences since 1901. Following a rekindling in 2010, United Cigars has committed to continually enhance its products and services for both retail partners and consumers. Their latest offering, the United Cigars Natural Toro, showcases their dedication to excellence.
The United Cigars Natural Toro presents itself with a rustic, old-world look. Its solid construction is immediately evident, promising a reliable smoking experience. The wrapper is a creamy brown hue, exuding a classic and inviting appearance.
Upon lighting, the United Cigars Natural Toro embarks on a flavor journey that captures the essence of tradition. The initial draw reveals earthy notes, followed by the presence of cedar and a hint of barnyard. A blend of nutmeg and gingerbread adds complexity, while a touch of spice and cinnamon provide a subtle kick. The profile is rounded out with the satisfying flavors of peanuts and coffee.
The second third of this cigar continues to impress with a consistent cedar and earthy undertone. Creaminess emerges, adding a velvety texture to the smoke. The notes of peanuts persist, accompanied by a growing sweetness and a subtle but enjoyable spiciness.
In the final third, the United Cigars Natural Toro evolves while maintaining its appeal. Cedar and leather become more prominent, followed by a distinct pepper kick. The flavors of peanuts and black coffee deepen, while bakers chocolate adds richness. The retrohale introduces a surprising touch of root beer, contributing to the overall complexity.
With a commendable overall rating of 89.34 out of 100, the United Cigars Natural Toro stands as a testament to its exceptional attributes. Notably, it strikes a harmonious balance with a strength rating of 5.07 out of 10, offering a smoke that is approachable and well-suited for a wide range of enthusiasts. This moderate strength level ensures that the cigar’s flavors shine through without overpowering the palate, making it a delightful choice for those seeking a refined and enjoyable smoking experience.
The United Cigars Natural Toro is a good cigar that showcases a complex and evolving flavor profile. It starts off with a burst of flavors and gradually increases in strength as you smoke, keeping you engaged from the first draw to the last. The even burn ensures a consistent smoking experience, and its overall appeal makes it an enjoyable choice for cigar enthusiasts seeking a classic and traditional smoking experience.
Overall Score: 89.34 out of 100
Overall Strength Score: 5.07 out of 10
This blind review (Cigar #2-D) was conducted by the Cigar Review Team comprising SamF, Tyler Ceola, George, James Elliott, Mike Mellon, Jeff Gilbert, Rick Galletta, Matt DeKorte, Mike DiPeppino, and Hudson.
Price: $8.49 per single, $144.99 per box of 20