It’s the most wonderful time of the year for cigar smokers, as the Tobacconist Association of America is set to meet at the end of the month in the Dominican Republic for its 50 anniversary.
The first exclusive cigar for TAA members has been announced and the honor goes to CLE who sent out an email to The Cigar Authority.
According to the email, the Eiroa First 20 Years will be getting a Diadema that measures 8 x 60 x 48. The cigar features a Mexican seed grown in Honduras at the Eiroa family farm called Finca Corojo. The binder and fillers include a special varietal of tobacco called La Victoria that is being grown on Generoso Eiroa’s farm named La Victoria marking the first time in 60 years that the seed has been harvested.
According to Christian Eiroa, “The cigar has a medium body and is full of flavor. It is beautiful and elegant and meant to be a two hour cigar.”
The Eiroa First 20 Years Diadema comes in boxes of 10 and is expected to retail for $18.00. There are expected to arrive at TAA retailers in early to mid May.
Eiroa First 20 Years Diadema