Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Tubo Cigar Review

Today, I’ll be diving into the Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Tubo. If there is one brand that is known for making some of the highest quality cigars on the market, its Davidoff. Previously, Davidoff made their cigars using nothing but Dominican tobaccos.

But a few years ago, back in 2013, the company announced it would make a brand new line featuring all Nicaraguan tobacco. In anticipation of the new Davidoff Nicaragua Box Press, I wanted to remind myself of the original before it ships to retailers in March.

What am I smoking?

  • Cigar Review: Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Tubo
  • Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
  • Factory: Davidoff Cigars
  • Wrapper: Nicaragua Rosado (10 Years Aged)
  • Binder: Jalapa, Nicaragua
  • Filler: Esteli, Ometepe, Condega
  • Size: 5 Inches
  • Ring Gauge: 50
  • Vitola: Robusto
  • Strength: Medium / Full

Packaging & Design

The design of the box is simplistic but has some high-end touches. It is a short cabinet box, all black with accents of silver for the lettering. The bands on the cigar itself are a departure from the classic Davidoff white label. The Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto uses a black and silver band and a secondary burnt-orange band that says “Nicaragua” to let the consumer know this ain’t your fathers Davidoff.

Not only that, but Davidoff pays homage to Nicaragua with their design. Three overlying triangles on the box and bands symbolize the volcanic mountains of the Central American country where the tobacco is grown.

First Impressions

The Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto looks perfect. There is not a seam or cap out of place and the wrapper is gorgeous, giving off a reddish-brown hue when held in the light. No veins are present and the cigar is evenly packed. Davidoff is known for quality, and that quality is certainly present here.

The pre-light draw of the Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto has a sweet profile to it, hints of dry earth and black pepper shine through immediately. The draw is on the firmer side, but not by much. It’s easy to get a great flow of air through this one.

The Smoke

I toasted the foot of the Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto with a Vertigo Champ quad jet torch lighter. Aromas of cedar and spice arose from the smoldering tobaccos, and the first draw gave a quick hit of mild pepper and toasted nuts. I can already tell this is going to be a well balanced smoke.

Towards the halfway point, intensity slowly builds into the fuller side of medium and there much more pepper present. Although there are a lot of peppery notes to this cigar, the sweetness from the Rosado evens out those sensations. Behind the pepper and sweetness, notes of cream, toffee and leather begin to show themselves.

In the final third of the Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto, cayenne pepper, coffee, oak and cedar truly make this cigar memorable. The finish lingers for a while, lasting well into the next draw. Overall, this was a very complex smoke, keeping my interest from start to finish.

Final Thoughts

The construction held up phenomenally all the way down to the nub, as I expect from every Davidoff I enjoy. The other thing I noticed about this little guy was that even though I smoked it to the nub, I was able to keep going without burning my lips or fingers. This also means that there were no bitter flavors to speak of, the cigar did not overheat and always left a clean taste in the wake of each draw.

After smoking the Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Tubo, I’m extremely excited to see how the new box pressed vitolas will turn out. Knowing Davidoff, I’m sure they will be nothing short of excellent.

Score Breakdown

-Appearance: 20
-Flavor: 19
-Balance: 20
-Burn: 17
-Quality: 19

Rating: 95
Price: $15.19 / $170.99

Unlit Nub Lit

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