Davidoff of Geneva USA and Blend Bar Cigar Reveal New Partnership
Davidoff of Geneva USA and Blend Bar Cigar are pleased to announce a strategic partnership, beginning with the opening of a second location in Nashville, TN later this year. This will be the first partnership of an Appointed Merchant incorporating the “Davidoff of Geneva – since 1911” look and feel. Building on a previous partnership of over five years, Davidoff and Blend began its relationship with owner Corey Johnston at his previous location of Indy Cigar Bar.
Blend’s home base location in Indianapolis opened in 2013, anchored around a premium cocktail lounge and cigar bar environment, featuring state-of-the-art technology, a sophisticated bar offering premium spirits and a 500+ square foot walk-in humidor highlighting premium cigars. With the initial success achieved in Indianapolis, the location’s owners set their sights on a targeted expansion and have lined up with Davidoff to propel their brand into markets in the US where there is a clear opportunity for the concept to be successful. The partnership means, Blend will use the same materials as the current “Davidoff of Geneva – since 1911” global retail concept for the walk-in humidors, but retain the unique look and feel of a Blend Cigar Bar elsewhere throughout the venue. The new concept will prominently feature Davidoff of Geneva USA brands in addition to other premium cigars.
Commenting on the partnership, Corey Johnston, President of Blend, stated “We are thrilled with our new and rare collaboration with Davidoff of Geneva USA. The Blend brand represents a luxury entertainment experience while Davidoff supplies the highest quality premium cigars in the world. This partnership will be reflected in our new branding, Blend Bar with Davidoff Cigars. The Blend experience is truly Luxury Redefined.”
Jim Young, President of Davidoff of Geneva USA, comments: “We are delighted to announce this special partnership between Blend Bar Cigar and Davidoff of Geneva USA. We are particularly excited to expand with Blend owners Corey Johnston, Kim Arbuckle and Mark Holden, who have been outstanding Davidoff partners for many years. They have a unique and very premium cigar bar concept and are an ideal partner for Davidoff as we seek to meet premium cigar consumers’ needs in selected markets across the country.”
About Blend Bar Cigar
Headquartered in Indianapolis, IN, CKM Entertainment LLC is a leading developer and operator of upscale cigar, spirit and social-friendly nightclubs throughout the U.S. For more information on BLEND Bar • Cigar, log onto www.blendbarcigar.com.
About Oettinger Davidoff AG
The CHF 1.23 billion Oettinger Davidoff AG with over 3,600 employees around the world, traces its roots back to 1875 and remains family owned to this day with two distinctly different businesses: one that is focused on FMCG distribution in the Swiss market and one dedicated to the core business of producing, marketing and retailing premium branded cigars, tobacco products and accessories. The premium branded cigar business include Davidoff, AVO, Camacho, Cusano, Griffin’s, Private Stock, Zino and Zino Platinum. The Oettinger Davidoff AG business is anchored in a strong “crop-to-shop” philosophy, having pursued a vertical integration from the tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua to the worldwide network of over 70 Davidoff Flagship Stores which complement a network of strong Appointed Merchants around the world.