To celebrate the Chinese New Year, Davidoff takes inspiration from the Chinese zodiac for the ninth consecutive year, the Davidoff Master Blenders have crafted a unique cigar, blending tobaccos from multiple origins into an inspiring composition of flavors. With its rich aromas, this exceptional Gordo cigar is sure to surprise and delight the palates of aficionados around the globe.
2021 marks the Year of the Ox, a zodiac that is characterized by diligence, dependability, strength and determination. Thoughtful, determined and honest, those born in the year of the Ox are helpful, dependent and trustful friends who never demand recognition for their support, but are extremely thankful if they are rewarded with a gift – ideally with one of these excellent limited creations by Davidoff.
“It is with great pride that we present this ninth installment of a limited edition range of Davidoff products celebrating the Chinese New Year as they have become highly sought after collectable items around the world. To salute aficionados born in the year of the Ox, we sought to translate their characteristics into a stout and majestic cigar experience. We are proud of the creations and are sure to surprise and delight Chinese aficionados with these exclusive experiences,” says Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer of Oettinger Davidoff AG.
The cigar, a Gordo format, is wrapped in a beautiful shiny, oily and dark brown Dominican wrapper and pleases the palate right from the start with a mixture of sweet and spicy notes. The Ecuadorian binder and blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican filler tobaccos transform the second third of the taste journey to creamy, cedar and nutty notes until the last third stimulates the palate with dark chocolate, roasted coffee and creamy notes. This full-bodied cigar provides yet again a carefully orchestrated taste experience by the Davidoff Master Blenders that will surely suit the ambitious, dependable and supportive personality of The Ox.
Limited to 13’900 pieces worldwide, the Davidoff «Year of the Ox» Limited Edition is presented in a beautiful box of ten cigars featuring signature red lacquer, gold accents, and a simple yet sophisticated icon representing the horns of an ox. This limited edition is the perfect gift for anyone wishing to celebrate the Chinese New Year with an exclusive cigar.
Once released the cigar will be available at where you can sign up to be notified when they are available.