Making my way up the Aisles on Day 2 PCA Cigar Trade Show for Must Try Cigars

Navigating through Day 2 of the PCA Cigar Trade Show, my mission is to explore the must-try cigars and booths, akin to planning a meticulous roadmap for a family vacation. To ensure I cover everything, I’m strategically managing my time to complete the trade show in three days or less, with the intention of revisiting areas I might have overlooked.

Starting off, I’ll begin by double-checking if I missed any must-see booths, as some can be quite tricky to locate. Notably, the Selected Tobacco/United Cigar booths can be massive, concealing hidden gems like West Tampa, which I’d have missed if I hadn’t pre-planned. Despite being a new company, West Tampa is a must-see for me.

Continuing my journey from where I left off on Day 2, I expect to take things a bit slower due to the previous day’s exertions. My top priorities for today include experiencing the offerings of Arturo Fuente, JC Newman, and the collaborative efforts with Padron, which could have been a Day 1 stop but will surely be visited on Day 2.

Heading towards the back, I’ll explore booths like Roma Craft and Altadis. Roma Craft’s new Volstead and Altadis’ array of products, including a fresh H. Upmann and Montecristo, are particularly enticing. Just down the aisle, I’ll be intrigued to discover Artista (formerly El Artista), known for Big Papi and Buffalo 10, unveiling their new Artista Havert and other surprises.

Moving further down the front, I’ll visit Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust, thoroughly examining their limited releases for 2023 and brand extensions. Right beside them, Foundation awaits, promising new brands that have never been seen before.

At Kristoff’s booth, I’ll be eager to explore their three new cigars and updated packaging, along with Miami Cigar and Nestor Miranda’s latest offerings. Micallef and HVC Cigars are also on my list for trying out their new lines.

The largest booth of them all, Rocky Patel’s exhibit, will be bustling with people. Additionally, I’ll swing by Quality Importers, located next door, to peruse their range of cigar accessories. I’ll need to manage my time efficiently in these areas to ensure I have enough time to reach Perdomo. My goal is to not only witness the new Perdomo 30th Anniversary cigar but also obtain a sample to savor later that evening.

If I successfully accomplish this, I’ll be content, as it will enable me to wrap up the show on the following day and have some time on the last half-day (4th day) to catch anything I might have overlooked. Having covered over 200 booths and explored more than two-thirds of the show floor, I’ll be well-prepared to find any hidden gems or the next big thing during my second round.

With the last full day of the trade show approaching, I’m confident in my ability to navigate through it without any issues, leaving me ample time to embark on the journey once more and discover new and exciting prospects.

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