Miami, FL – Padrón Cigars has announced the Padrón 60th Anniversary is being unveiled at PCA this week. To commemorate this special occasion, the esteemed cigar brand is proud to announce the launch of a new, limited production line of cigars.
The Padrón 60th Anniversary cigar line will be in available in two blends, carefully crafted exclusively for this release by Padrón’s master blenders. Both blends, one natural and one maduro, are Nicaraguan puros, showcasing the rich and complex flavors that aficionados have come to expect from Padrón cigars. In a departure from its traditional box-pressed vitolas, Padrón has opted for a round vitola for this special release. Each blend is elegantly packaged in 10-count boxes.
While the exact pricing and release date are yet to be confirmed, Padrón aims to unveil at least some cigars on September 8th, the company’s official anniversary date. Production is underway, albeit limited, with just one pair of artisans responsible for crafting these exceptional cigars, potentially extending the release into the fourth quarter of 2024.
In addition to the exquisite cigars, Padrón is introducing a brand new band design, paying homage to the brand’s rich heritage and early roots. Inspired by the vintage bands that adorned his father’s original creations, Jorge Padrón sought to capture the essence of these iconic designs, infusing the 60th Anniversary collection with a sense of nostalgia and reverence.
Also, in collaboration with S.T. Dupont, Padrón will be releasing a collection of exclusive accessories, which they also did for the 50th Anniversary..