Cigar Review: EPC Allegiance Confidant – A Brilliant Collaboration

From the very inception of E.P. Carrillo, the company has consistently emphasized the importance of collaborating with tobacco producers from diverse corners of the world. For the release of the E.P. Carrillo Allegiance, they opted to partner with the renowned Oliva Cigars from Nicaragua. This blend, crafted by Ernesto Carrillo, showcases Oliva’s world-renowned tobaccos and is produced outside his Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic, with its manufacturing process taking place in Nicaragua. The Allegiance cigar comes in a box-pressed shapes, with an Ecuadorian Sumatra Wrapper enveloping flavorful Nicaraguan tobaccos beneath.

Upon first glance, the Allegiance Confidant boasts a rich chocolate-colored wrapper. Its surface is slightly toothy, with a tight combustion line, presenting a clean and lightly box-pressed form. The wrapper exudes a milk chocolate appearance with a subtle sheen, and it wears a well-applied cap. The cigar feels densely packed, hinting at the quality within.

The initial experience of the Allegiance Confidant is a sweet revelation. It resembles a slice of coffee cake without frosting, accompanied by the comforting essence of cedar. Dried fruits burst onto the palate, leaving a mouthwatering sensation. The profile evolves with the introduction of dark cocoa powder, a touch of nutmeg, and a hint of pepper. Caramel and brownie notes intermingle with the woody essence of oak, which carries a slight char.

Transitioning into the second third, the Allegiance Confidant takes on an earthy character, complemented by a subtle molasses sweetness. The flavors are reminiscent of a peppered steak sizzling on a grill, with roasted corn and toasted bread adding a hearty dimension. A bold black coffee note emerges, accompanied by an earthy truffle essence and the delightful memory of a root beer float. A hint of vanilla and pepper.

The cigar unveils a hay-like note, reminiscent of freshly baked bread. The sweetness of coffee cake returns, now with a mocha twist, and the essence of chocolate chip cookie dough entices the senses. Hints of pepper, caramel, and cream create harmony, while notes of vanilla and mushroom add a unique complexity. The presence of burnt wood and leather rounds out the final third with a bold, sophisticated finish.

The E.P. Carrillo Pledge Allegiance Confidant 6” x 52 is an impressive cigar that garnered a solid overall score of  88.71 out of 100. Its strength was measured at 5.92 out of 10, indicating a medium-plus level of strength.

Throughout the smoking experience, the Allegiance Confidant demonstrates impeccable burn characteristics. It maintains a smooth and approachable profile, firmly settling into the medium-plus range. The aroma is nothing short of amazing, and the complexity of flavors makes this cigar a true masterpiece. E.P. Carrillo’s collaboration with Oliva Cigars has yielded a cigar that pays a worthy tribute to its name—pledging allegiance to excellence and indulgence.

Strength Score: 5.92 out of 10

Final Score: 88.71 out of 100

This blind cigar review (Cigar #2-A) was scored by a distinguished panel of cigar enthusiasts, including: Cody Goodrum, Scott Treptow, Kyle Lee, Joe Hallett, Rob Smith, Paul Nabs, Chris Safranski.

Price: $13.29 per single, $235.99 per box

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