Topper Cigars, a well-kept secret for many outside the Northeast, proudly celebrates its remarkable 125-year journey in the cigar industry. With deep-rooted ties to the Connecticut River Valley, the Topper family has cultivated enduring relationships with the region’s renowned tobacco farms, particularly those producing Connecticut Broadleaf tobacco. These invaluable connections have allowed them to source exceptional Broadleaf tobaccos for the wrapper of their special 125th Anniversary cigar, the Topper 125th Anniversary Toro.
The Topper 125th Anniversary Toro presents itself with a striking appearance. Its toothy, dark chocolate-colored wrapper is a calling card of Connecticut Broadleaf tobacco. The cigar carries a veiny texture, a testament to its natural origins, and showcases impeccable construction.
Upon lighting, the Topper 125th Anniversary Toro embarks on a flavor journey that captures the essence of celebration. The initial draw reveals robust notes of cedar wood and rich chocolate, followed by a combination of peanuts and oats. A subtle earthiness provides depth, while a touch of sweetness adds complexity. Leather and a hint of barbecue spice intermingle with a gentle pepper kick, creating a balance of flavors.:
As the experience unfolds into the second third, the Topper Toro continues to impress. A buttery pretzel note emerges, accompanied by the return of cedar and a luxurious creaminess. Hints of salt enhance the overall profile, complementing the persistent dark chocolate and earthy undertones. Coffee notes begin to shine alongside a consistent pepper presence, while leather and graham cracker contribute to the cigar’s evolving complexity.
In the final third, the Topper 125th Anniversary Toro maintains its captivating flavor profile. There’s a hint of burnt toast, which pairs seamlessly with coffee and the enduring notes of leather and salt. The cigar closes with the same level of satisfaction and balance that has defined the entire smoke.
With an impressive overall score of 90.21 out of 100, and a strength score of 5.5 out of 10, the Topper 125th Anniversary Toro firmly establishes itself as a standout in the world of cigars. Its combination of remarkable flavor, impeccable construction, and a balanced strength profile make it a cigar that aficionados will cherish and savor, making it a worthy addition to any cigar collection.
The Topper 125th Anniversary Toro is a cigar that everyone should try. It’s a true must-smoke for aficionados seeking a remarkable blend that pays homage to Topper Cigars’ rich heritage. With its consistently enjoyable flavor, excellent construction, and a burn that remains true from start to finish, this cigar is undoubtedly box-worthy. Its great flavor and overall quality make it a standout in the world of cigars.
Overall Score: 90.21 out of 100
Overall Strength Score: 5.5 out of 10
This blind cigar review (Cigar #2-C) was scored by a distinguished panel of cigar enthusiasts, including: Trevor E, Nick – Cigar Pulpit, LKOUTS, AustinDan, Scooter, Justin F, Munch, Jim DeLuca.
Price: $12.59 per single , $224.99 per box of 20