Davidoff Grand Cru No. 5 Cigar Review

According to Davidoff, Grand Cru is the last word in sophistication. With a depth and character second to none, each individual cigar is finely crafted from meticulously selected components to deliver a layered and enchanting mild to medium-bodied experience. The company goes on to say, Short, elegant, intense; this Petit Corona delivers the fullest body in the series. The Grand Cru blend has been adapted to pack the same complexity and aroma into a shorter format, ideal to be enjoyed with an aperitif or during a well-earned coffee break. 

Cigar Review: Davidoff Grand Cru
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Binder: Dominican Republic (Piloto Seco)
Filler: Dominican Republic (San Vicente Seco, Piloto Seco, Olor Seco)
Length: 4″
Ring Gauge: 41
Size: No. 5 (Petit Corona)

The Look: Packaged in a slide top cabinet style box of 25 cigars, the Davidoff Grand Cru No. 5 has a flawless shade grown wrapper. The cigar features the classic Davidoff white label band with accents of gold and a secondary band denoting Grand Cru. The foot of the cigar is spongy with the cigar being well packed with no voids of tobacco.

The Notes: The cold draw of the Grand Cru is quintessential Davidoff with notes of hay, grass and cedar while the aroma off the foot offers up the same dynamic. Due to the size of this cigar I am not going to break it up into thirds. Once the cigar is lit, the first note is earth.

As we continue to smoke the 4 x 41 No. 5 the earthy notes are dominant with nuances of grass and hay before being joined by cedar notes. The cigar remains consistent until right after we remove the lower band when a subtle licorice joins the mix. As we remove the primary band the cigar sees notes of cedar become dominant.

The Finish: It’s the time of year where the weather outside is frightful and if you can’t light up in the house, you reach for something small. Small doesn’t have to be a bad thing if you choose the right cigar. One of the smaller cigars I opt for is the Davidoff Gran Cru No. 5. While you need to be careful with a Connecticut shade wrapper in the cold weather, the flavor and duration of this cigar is perfect for a nightly walk in the brisk air.

Score: 91
Price: $11.79 / $275.99

Davidoff Gran Cru No. 5

Davidoff Gran Cru No. 5

Davidoff Gran Cru No. 5 Foot

Davidoff Gran Cru No. 5 Foot


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