The new Davidoff Winston Churchill cigar range has officially been revealed at a pre-launch event on December 8, 2014 in New York
Basel, December 9, 2014. Davidoff announced the renaissance of a line of cigars bearing the name of and befitting the world’s most iconic cigar aficionado – Sir Winston Churchill.
Sir Winston Churchill was a man who was the very embodiment of “Time Beautifully Filled”: a man who revelled in a varied life with its many experiences. A man of many layers and many dimensions. A man whose many facets added up to a personality which set him apart. Davidoff Cigars share the same values. These qualities are reflected in this elegant multifaceted Winston Churchill range of cigars from Davidoff. For these reasons, it is fitting that they bear his name and seal.
The aim was to craft this new range of exceptional cigars as uniquely diverse as the man who inspired them. The Davidoff Masterblenders have embraced and accomplished an exciting challenge: blending cigars of a complex character with a rich mixture of fine qualities drawing on and harmonising the tobaccos of Nicaragua, Mexico, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. The Great Man’s persona, the trait of character, was the inspiration for the chosen formats.
“We feel sure that Sir Winston would have enjoyed sharing one of these exceptional cigars which surely do justice to one of the most celebrated cigar lovers in history: The Aristocrat, The Artist, The Commander, The Raconteur, The Statesman, The Traveler – these are cigars of character,” said Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard, CEO of Oettinger Davidoff AG.
Randolph Churchill, Sir Winston’s great-grandson said: “A great cigar was Churchill’s favourite travelling companion and, whether he was being Statesman, Commander, or dinner party guest, he was rarely without one. As a descendent of American pioneers, through his mother Jennie Jerome of New York, and of aristocratic British military figures – the Dukes of Marlborough – through his father, he knew the significance of history and the value of time. And he always had time for a cigar.”
This exclusive cigar range from Davidoff is composed of a new characterful blend. It is crafted with tobaccos coming from four different countries. It took time, patience and perseverance to create these fine cigars, and to deliver these exceptional blends with the complex character and refined sophistication aficionados would expect from Davidoff. The blend maintains the expected refinement and elegance of a Davidoff cigar, while pushing particular palate stimulations and flavours further. Strength of the blend is medium to full body with a wide palette of exciting flavours and aromas. The cigars are adorned with a beautiful shiny and oily wrapper with a slight reddish touch. Due to the different Seco tobaccos, the cigars deliver an excellent, even burn and a firm white ash.
Piloto Mejorado Seco (Dominican Republic) Piloto Seco (Dominican Republic)
Hybrid Olor/Piloto Seco (Dominican Republic) Esteli Seco (Nicaragua)
Condegas Seco (Nicaragua)
Negro San Andres (Mexico)
Ecuador Rojiza (Ecuador)
The Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigar Range
Petit Corona (41 RG x 4 1⁄2 )
The Winston Churchill Petit Corona is the shortest cigar in the range. Due to the smaller RG and the size, this cigar feels stronger and delivers less pronounced flavour nuances in the body. Beautiful pepper flavours together with dark coffee and toasty notes are dominating. Available in boxes of 20 Petit Corona cigars.
Robusto (52 RG x 5 1⁄4 )
The strength is slightly decreased and the flavors are more overt. The complexity of the cigar is more amplified and the flavours more pronounced. Leather with dark coffee flavours take a front role with a creamy aftertaste. Available in boxes of 20 Robusto cigars.
Churchill (47 RG x 6 7/8 )
In this majestic format, the aromas are more pronounced, the flavours are multiple and the nuances of the different tobaccos are more independent. The body of the cigar is very present, and the mouthfeel smoke delivers beautiful flavours of chilli pepper and cedar wood in the beginning, leather and roasted flavours in the second third, and finishes off with creamy and nutty notes. Available in boxes of 20 Churchill cigars.
Toro (54 RG x 6)
Carrying the largest ring gauge in the Winston Churchill range, it is a grand cigar, from the first spicy, leathery, woody notes through the creamy, sweet influences of the Mexican binder to the final triumphant mix of flavours, courtesy of the Nicaraguan filler tobaccos from Esteli and Condegas. Available in boxes of 20 Toro cigars.
Launch and Availability
Davidoff has created its new Winston Churchill packaging with the utmost care and attention. The wooden cigar boxes have been lovingly crafted in an elegant white design showcasing the iconic silhouette of Sir Winston Churchill.
The Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars will be available to cigar aficionados at selected Appointed Merchants in the US, starting in February 2015, and at Depositaires/Davidoff Flagship Stores worldwide from March 2015.