Davidoff’s anticipated release celebrating The Chinese Year of the Sheep is due to hit cigar stores any day now, and accompanying them will be some high-end accessories that are simply stunning.
The Davidoff Year of the Sheep Ashtray was designed by Chinese designer Chen Jiang and is made of porcelain. The surface is tested and tapered reminiscent of the horns of sheep. It is an imposing piece appealing to the generous personality of the Sheep character in the Chinese Zodiac. It carries an MSRP of $441.00 and is made in Limoges France the heart of French porcelain.
The Davidoff Cigar Scissors are forged of stainless steel and the gold plating is decorated with a stylish laser marking inspired by the year of the sheep. The MSRP is $825 and they come packaged with a red carrying punch.
Lastly, the lighter is made out of one piece of brass. What this means, is that the inside of the lighter has no plastic tank. Building the tank into the lighter ensure longevity and limits gas leaks. Each lid matches the body exactly. Available in two formats, The Palladium has an MSRP of $993.00 and the Gilded carries a price tag of $1020.00. Each lighter comes with a red carrying punch.