Oliva Serie V Double Robusto is a complex blend of Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos. Blended with specially fermented Jalapa Valley ligero, and finished with a high priming original Cuban seed grown Wrapper. This is one of the most popular cigars on the market today.
The Oliva Serie V Double Robusto makes a striking first impression with its milk chocolate-colored wrapper, adorned with thin veins and exhibiting impeccable construction. The cigar is densely packed, giving it a substantial feel, and a slight sheen enhances its overall allure.
Upon lighting, this cigar announces its presence with an impressive plume of smoke. The initial draw reveals a barnyard essence, accompanied by a robust nuttiness reminiscent of salted peanuts. Leather and coffee notes take center stage, complemented by a subtle hint of cedar.
The second third maintains the allure with the persistence of cedar and peanut notes. Chocolate undertones emerge, adding a layer of sweetness to the experience, while the initial coffee prominence subsides. The aroma becomes more pronounced, featuring a delightful hint of cinnamon.
As the journey progresses, the Oliva Serie V Double Robusto takes a bold turn in the final third. Black pepper introduces itself, bringing a subtle spiciness reminiscent of bourbon sweetness. Coffee and cedar persist, accompanied by a lingering nuttiness and the return of a chocolate flavor, akin to the crust of a brownie.
This cigar is a flavorful roller coaster, offering an array of tastes that captivate the palate. However, the ride isn’t smooth for everyone. Mixed reviews on strength and construction create a varied landscape of opinions. Some praise its smoothness, while others label it the strongest they’ve encountered as a STAR reviewer. Some construction inconsistencies, with reports of burn issues, affected the group’s overall assessment. Yet, the unanimous agreement on excellent flavor and draw suggests a cigar worth experiencing.
Overall Score: 88.67 out of 100
Overall Strength Score: 5.75 out of 10
The strength of this cigar elicits a spectrum of opinions. Reviewers rate it anywhere from a robust 9 to a milder 4, reflecting the diverse experiences encountered with each puff.
This blind review (Cigar #7-A) was conducted by the Cigar Review Team comprising of: Paul Nabs, Drew Seruya, Scott Trepow, Joe Hallett, Chris LeBlanc, Shayne D, Chris Safranski, Brett Yannalfo, The Scuse & Rob.